USA Native Americans By Dagmar Machů Škola: SOU Valašské Klobouky Ročník: Nástavbové studium Podnikání 2 Název projektu: Zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Předmět: Anglický jazyk Datum vytvoření: Registrační číslo projektu:CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Tematická oblast: Reálie anglofonního světa
Who are the Native Americans/American Indians? The archeological evidence suggests that the Paleo-Indians' first "widespread" habitation of America occurred during the end of the last glacial period or, more specifically, what is known as the late glacial maximum, around 16,500–13,000 years ago. There are several theories, however we will mention only the most widely known one.
What did the Native Americans do? Some of them lived on hunting a Buffalo Some of the tribes lived on hunting and gathering Some could cultivate the land
Can you name any tribes??? Buffalo tribes Cheyenne Comanchee Crow Hunting and gathering tribes Shosone Iroquois Huron Powhatan Pueblo people Tribes growing their own food
Pair work – find some information about … (10 mins. – 10 sentences) 1.Pocahontas 2.Thanksgiving in US 3.Smallpox and Native Americans 4.Indian Removal Act 5.Trail of Tears 6.Sitting Bull 7.Battle of the Little Bighorn 8.Ghost Dance
Elicit 5 words from your task that may be useful for your mates.
Just guess the population of Native Americans in the Pre-Columbian period and their population now Pre-Columbian 40 milion Today 2.9 milion
Referenece AUTOR NEUVEDEN a kol. [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: ab&cp=6&gs_id=n&xhr=t&q=native+instruments&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv ,d.bGE&biw=1366&bih=653&dpr=1&u m=1&ie=UTF- 8&hl=cs&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=FQplUqj0H9KO7Qa7h4G4Cw#hl=cs&q=native+americans&tbm=isch&um =1 AUTOR NEUVEDEN a kol. [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: AUTOR NEUVEDEN a kol. [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: