ROMANIAN INTERMODAL ASSOCIATION – R.I.A.- Future development Connecting through intermodality! Join us! Member of
WHAT IS R.I.A. ? The ROMANIAN INTERMODAL ASSOCIATION (R.I.A.) was founded in December 2006, upon the initiative of the Romanian Ministry of Transports, together with public authorities and private companies acting in the field of transports. The center is a professional, non-governmental and non-profit entity addressing to companies which are willing to promote the field of intermodality and its auxiliary activities.
R.I.A. OBJECTIVES to promote the intermodal/Short Sea Shipping (SSS)/Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) facilities available in Romania; to facilitate better communication between different transport companies within the intermodal chain through seminars, conferences, workshops, to identify and attract national funds for intermodal transport projects; to promote development of logistic centres and uniform training schedule for personnel involved in intermodal transports; to integrate Romanian maritime and river transport companies in the intermodal European chain; to attract relevant investments and E.U. funds for intermodal transport projects developed in Romania; to integrate Romania in the European/international network of intermodal promotion centres; to promote the Danube as one of the main “water highway” to transit goods to and from central Europe;
R.I.A. MEMBERS The National Company Maritime Ports Administration, Constanta; The National Company Administration of Navigable Canals, Constanta; The Romanian Association of Inland Owners and Ports Operators, Galati; Romanian Naval Authority, Constanta; Romanian Maritime Training Center,Constanta; Navlomar Maritime, Constanta; Focus Group Romania, Bucharest; Constanta South Container Terminal Romania Nord Marine Shipping, Constanta; The Administration of Free Zone, Giurgiu; Mainrom Line, Bucharest.
2007 Activities Setting up the office, attracting new members; Establishing contacts within EU promotion centers network (EIA, INE, Austria, France, Germany. Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Bulgaria, etc) Cooperation protocol with European Intermodal Association (signed in May 2007) and Via Donau (to be signed); Starting the web-page – Involvement in EU and national funded projects related to intermodality; Organisation of promotion events (The national seminar on the “Logistics of intermodal transports –challenges, problems and solutions”, 12 Decembrie 2007); Distribution of RIA presentation flyer.
OTHERS on 2007…..and further National funded project – with CERONAV – “Safety in intermodal transport through continuous”- training course for handling of dangerous cargoes in intermodal transport; One EU grant (DG-TREN) for a promotion project – DACIA = DAnube Corridor of Intermodal Afreightment ; (no co-financing assured, project lost) 4 EU funded projects with international consortiums: PLATINA = Platform for the Implementation of NAIADES (promotion of inland navigation); EWITA II = European Webplatforms and Training Concepts for Intermodal Inland Waterway TrAnsport; (only as subcontractors). RISING = RIS Services for Improving the Integration of Inland Waterway Transports into Intermodal Chains; (only as subcontractors) CIPROC = Development and extension of SPC’s to Intermodal services
CIPROC- Co-operative Intermodal Promotion Centres Study on the feasibility of extending the activities of existing mode- specific promotion centres in Europe to encompass the wider concept of intermodal transport Duration - 6 month Financed by the 7 th Framework Programe of the EC OBJECTIVE : extending the activities of existing mode-specific promotion centres in Europe to encompass the wider concept of intermodal transport ACTIVITIES for RO: –General brochure on IMT in national and English language; –Extend newsletters; –Extending of existing RIA website; –Organisation of workshops with target groups and government analysing problems & bottlenecks; –Fact-sheets on individual countries (e.g. external trades, ports, hinterland terminals,..); –Distribution of external documents to stakeholders (e.g. documents on market developments)/information on national and EU programmes; –Establishing and maintaining a database on IMT services
General brochure on IMT in national and English language Content: - RIA - Short Sea Shipping - Intermodality: EU & RO - Bottlenecks and solving problems - Financial instruments - SWOT analysis
Some key features of the website * Clean and Versatile design; Lightweight and fast-loading design; * W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid ; Fully Accessible - Section 508 and WAI; * Fully compatible with almost all web browsers: IE6, IE7, Safari 2, Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9, OmniWeb, Shira, Netscape; Supports syndication of news through RSS and Atom; * Supports subscribing to info about latest news on site by ; * Supports integration of other website's in this site while preserving the copywright rights (see the events page).
Website Before & After
Newsletters External documents (European and National policies, projects, financial instruments, consultations,etc) Facts sheets (on administrations, authorities, ports,freight transit,capacity, statistics, etc) Database on IMT services and transport operators - operators, freight forwarders, expedition, services, transport capacities, terminals, routes Meetings, participation to seminars, Danube Summit MoT, ILDE, Chamber of Commerce, Ovidius University, Maritime University, RNA. IMT Day – september 2008
Bottlenecks along the way… Lack of involvement from the industry; Reluctance to initiative and change; No cooperation between the parties involved in the transport chain No cooperation between various transport Associations (road, rail, river); Outputs (CIPROC) – “RIA as a communication platform….” –The opportunity of being in close contact with transport and shipping industry across Europe and Worldwide; –The opportunity to promote their services; Advertising; –The opportunity to beneficiate from the EU financing programs –Awareness on a necessary steps to be taken together in order to develop an efficient transport chain in a friendly environment
Constanta Port, Gate 2 Building “Bursa Noua” Floor 1, Room 125, Constanta, , Romania Tel: , Fax: THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Nicoleta Apostol – RIA, CIPROC – June 2008 Constanta Port, Gate 2 Building “Bursa Noua” Floor 1, Room 125, Constanta, , Romania Tel: , Fax: THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Nicoleta Apostol – RIA, CIPROC – June