Performance Based Teacher Evaluation March 10, 2006
When will we use this new system? Piloted this school year In place for all staff next year
How is this system different from our current system? Focus on professional growth Multi-prong approach to gathering data More complete picture of teacher Fewer evaluations for tenured teachers
The Process At the beginning of the year, staff members complete a Professional Development Plan (PDP). Replaces IPDP
The PDP Done collaboratively with building administrator Staff members choose one of several options Goals must be related to CSIP and building SIP plan. Staff members provide artifact data to show how this professional development impacted student learning.
The Evaluation Schedule: Phase I: for Non-tenured Staff Evaluated every year One unscheduled observation One scheduled observation Drop-in observations One summative observation at end of year
The Evaluation Schedule Phase II: Tenured Staff Evaluations every third year One unscheduled observation Drop-in observations One summative observation at end of third year
Drop-Ins An unscheduled, informal visit to the classroom by the administrator. Data collection is not necessary but may occur as the administrator deems appropriate. If anything is put in writing, the teacher will receive a copy.
The Formative Evaluation Used differently from our current Formative Evaluation Form
Formative Evaluation A process of ongoing feedback about a certified staff member’s performance for the purpose of enhancing his/her professional skills.
Formative Evaluations Encompass SCHEDULED OBSERVATION A planned observation of performance that includes pre-observation discussion, the observation and documentation, and post-observation discussion used to collect data for the teacher evaluation phase.
Formative Evaluations Encompass UNSCHEDULED OBSERVATION An unannounced observation of performance, including the observation and documentation, and post- observation discussion used to collect data for the teacher evaluation phase.
Formative Evaluations Encompass ARTIFACT DATA Documents or tangible items of information related to performance. Artifacts are typically supplied by the teacher but may be collected from another related source.
Formative Evaluations Encompass NON-OBSERVED DATA Unsolicited data regarding a teacher that is shared with or collected by an administrator and related to a specific criterion.
Summative Evaluation At the end of the evaluation cycle Staff members are expected to meet all standards and criteria
Summative Evaluation Data in a summative evaluation includes scheduled observations, unscheduled observations, artifact data, non-observed data, drop-ins, formative evaluations, professional development plans, lesson plan reviews, and other performance related data.
Tenured Teachers in Need of Assistance For a very small percentage of staff members Replaces our current job target system Provides more opportunities for additional growth and improvement than our current job targets
Tenured Teachers in Need of Assistance Phase III Awareness Phase Assistance Phase Intensive Assistance Phase Disciplinary Phase
Awareness Phase Administrator identifies the concern in writing Staff member and administrator meet to collaborate and resolve problem Administrator will review progress Staff member remains in Phase II Staff member placed in Assistance or Disciplinary Phase
Assistance Phase Review recommendation from Awareness Phase Professional Improvement Plan (PIP) is developed. Goals Strategies to resolve concern Timelines Progress indicators Resources and support needed
Assistance Phase Administrator and staff member review progress made on PIP Staff member returns to Phase II Staff member stays in Assistance Phase with revised goals Staff member may be moved to Intensive Assistance Phase Concern is not resolved and staff member may be moved to Disciplinary Phase
Assistance Phase If similar concerns arise, related data obtained during the Assistance Phase may be used in further action against the teacher once the teacher is returned to Professional Level II.
Intensive Assistance Phase Superintendent reviews administrator request for Intensive Assistance If approved, staff member and administrator meet to introduce Intensive Assistance Phase If staff member declines Intensive Assistance team, staff member will notify superintendent in writing.
Intensive Assistance Phase Superintendent and Administrative Resource person will assign a minimum of three members to Intensive Assistance team who have experience or expertise in area(s) in need of improvement. Can be experts from district and/or outside experts Input will be requested from district staff Members of team chosen based on individual needs of staff member
Intensive Assistance Phase Intensive Assistance Team will work with administrative resource person to plan observation and conference schedule. Teacher evaluation/performance data may be shared with Intensive Assistance Team. Shared information will be kept confidential. Intensive Assistance Team does not meet with building administrator.
Intensive Assistance Phase Intensive Assistance team will meet with staff member to Review role of team Verify observation and conference schedule Receive input from staff member
Intensive Assistance Phase Role of the Intensive Assistance Team Use data and information provided by administrator to develop a planned approach to help the staff member meet PBTE standards and criteria.
Intensive Assistance Phase Plan will usually include, but is not limited to: Direct observation of teacher or other activities Conferencing with the staff member Peer coaching Mentoring Follow-up activities May include any number of additional strategies designed to address the area(s) of concern
Intensive Assistance Phase Length of service of the Intensive Assistance Team will vary, depending on the needs of the staff member. It is recommended that the length of service not exceed one calendar year. Members of the Intensive Assistance team will not be used as second evaluators
Intensive Assistance Phase Minutes of each meeting held with the staff member will be maintained. Minutes will contain: Meeting dates Topics discussed Specific suggestions and options Agreed upon course of action with a timeline Signature of all members present at meeting Administrative resource person, staff member, and all members of team will receive a copy of minutes.
Intensive Assistance Phase Assistance team members will communicate regularly with administrative resource person to report observation conferences and progress. Team members’ observations and conferences are presented in writing to administrative resource person.
Intensive Assistance Phase Minutes do not become part of the staff member’s evaluation, and will not be shared with the building administrator The minutes will be placed in the employee’s personnel file when the process is completed.
Intensive Assistance Phase Responsibilities of Staff Member Ask for clarification from Intensive Assistance Team, administrative resource person and the building administrator To be responsible for anecdotal notes, if desired To request, if desired, a Teachers’ Association representative or other form of representation to be present with him/her during Intensive Assistance Team meetings
Intensive Assistance Phase To be open and flexible in implementing different and/or refined strategies in improving his/her Professional Performance Expectations To be responsible in meeting deadlines, appointments, scheduled observations, and other timelines
Intensive Assistance Phase Role of the Administrator The building administrator continues to be the evaluator of the staff member. The Intensive Assistance Phase does not delay or replace the normal supervision and evaluation process After Intensive Assistance has ended, building administrator completes an evaluation.
Intensive Assistance Phase Building Administrator makes one of these recommendations to superintendent Return staff member to Phase II Continue Intensive Assistance Program Submit situation to superintendent for further action
Disciplinary Phase The Disciplinary Phase is not intended as a restriction on the district’s right to take appropriate disciplinary action for a tenured teacher for misconduct in accordance with Missouri State Statute without prior resort to either an Awareness Phase or Assistance Phase
Disciplinary Phase The staff member may be placed in the Disciplinary Phase because of, but not limited to: Not meeting the Standards, Criteria and Descriptors for Performance Based Teacher Evaluation after being in the Assistance Phase and/or Intensive Assistance Phase Violations as listed under the Teacher Tenure Act (Missouri State Statute ) Specific policy or rule violation(s)
Disciplinary Phase Administrator, staff member, and association President or designated representative meet. Other resource people may be involved (central office administrator(s) or a “Uniserve” representative). Administrator identifies in writing the specific standard(s), rule or policy in violation.
Disciplinary Phase Staff member is given an opportunity to respond in writing. Following a discussion, administrator will indicate the next steps to be taken, which may include any or all of the following options:
Disciplinary Phase A specific remedial plan with timeline (Professional Improvement Plan) Placement of teacher on paid administrative leave Requirement of specific training or evaluation by a professional Recommendation for termination
PBTE Documents Available online Staff Development Department Online documents are in.PDF format and cannot be typed on Documents in Word format (ex: Lesson Plan Review and Professional Development Plan) will be ed to staff next year.
Support for Next Year As staff members begin to use these new documents, help is available from: Pilot teachers PBTE committee members Building administrators Cynthia Seltzer
Board Approval All documents are currently still considered drafts PBTE Evaluation process will be presented to Board Curriculum committee in April Full Board of Education in May
Thank you Pilot Teachers PBTE Committee Members Building Administrators Staff Members who gave us feedback along the way