EuroSITES An integrated European network of open ocean multidisciplinary observatories Richard Lampitt, Kate Larkin National Oceanography Centre Southampton,


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Presentation transcript:

EuroSITES An integrated European network of open ocean multidisciplinary observatories Richard Lampitt, Kate Larkin National Oceanography Centre Southampton, UK ESONET Barcelona Sept 5-7 th 2007

EuroSITES An integrated European network of open ocean multidisciplinary observatories FP7 Small-Medium CP: 3.5 M Euro Richard Lampitt, Kate Larkin National Oceanography Centre Southampton, UK ESONET Barcelona Sept 5-7 th 2007

9 Open ocean (>1000 m) water column-seafloor observatories Multidisciplinary science Many are Satellite linked with real-time telemetry capability such as the ANIMATE and M3A networks Existing infrastructure within EuroSITES

EUR-OCEANS FP6 NofE WP2.1 ‘Observing Systems’ ANIMATE Existing European open ocean (>1000m) observatories OOI

1: Expertise not shared 2: Unequal hardware investment 3: No ‘core’ set of parameters (physical, biological and chemical) 4: Data management is not consistent 5: Links with seafloor and subseafloor not developed Problems with existing Water Column Observational capacity

Requirement for an integrated observing system Sustained observations of adequate resolution Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Satellite and acoustic modem linked on a regional scale to provide real-time data and to connect the seafloor and subseafloor to the ocean interior Appropriate and common data management Data availability/formats to meet user needs

Aims and Objectives of EuroSITES To integrate and enhance the existing deep (>1000 m) ocean observatories into a coherent European network to encompass the ocean interior, seafloor and subseafloor FP7 ENV Monitoring the ocean interior, seafloor and subseafloor

Aims and Objectives of EuroSITES To integrate and enhance the existing deep (>1000 m) ocean observatories into a coherent European network to encompass the ocean interior, seafloor and subseafloor To establish a pre-operational network but with the vision of an operational network in the future – the European context is essential in order to make this transition FP7 ENV Monitoring the ocean interior, seafloor and subseafloor

Aims and Objectives of EuroSITES To integrate and enhance the existing deep (>1000 m) ocean observatories into a coherent European network to encompass the ocean interior, seafloor and subseafloor To establish a pre-operational network but with the vision of an operational network in the future – the European context is essential in order to make this transition Complement and link to other existing initiatives (e.g. ESONET, HERMES, MERSEA) to encompass the subsea component of the European GMES FP7 ENV Monitoring the ocean interior, seafloor and subseafloor

The EuroSITES Consortium: 13 Partners 1. NERC-NOC: Co-ordinators 2. UiB 3. HCMR 4. OGS 5. CNR-ISSIA 6. IFM-GEOMAR 7. UNIABN 8. CNRS 9. IFREMER 10. Océanopolis 11. ICCM 12. INDP 13. ULPGC

EuroSITES Links to EU programmes Many current EU programmes share PIs with EuroSITES: ESONET, MERSEA, EUR-OCEANS, KM3Net and HERMES ESONET members involved in EuroSITES: R.Lampitt (Science council) C.Berndt (WP Leader) I.Priede (Chair Science council) V.Lykousis (WP Leader) S.Pouliquen (Chair Data management council) A.Holford C.Tamburini

EuroSITES Structure: Oversight Committee

EuroSITES Oversight Committee Dr. Holly Given Director, Ocean Observing Activities, ORION. Geophysicist. Dr. Mary Jane Perry Member ORION Steering committee. Biological oceanographer. Dr. Rick Jahnke Chair, US Coastal Ocean Processes Programme. Member, Observatory Steering Committee, ORION. Deep ocean benthic biogeochemist. Dr. Oscar SchofieldORION Steering committee member. Coordinator of LEO15 observatory. Biological oceanographer. Professor Chris Barnes Project Director for NEPTUNE Canada. Expertise in sedimentary geology and paleobiology. Dr. Uwe Send Co-chair, OceanSITES Steering Committee. ORION Science and Technical Advisory Committee member. Former co-ordinator FP6 ANIMATE programme. Physical oceanographer. Dr. Hans Dahlin Director EuroGOOS. Oceanographer Dr. Keith BranderICES/ GLOBEC coordinator. Fisheries biologist. Dr. Uli Wolf International Strategy for Disaster Reduction ( ISDR ) team member. Physical oceanographer Dr. Dennis McGillicuddyOcean Modeller with expertise in the link between fluid dynamics and biology Dr. Rob ArmstrongOcean Modeller in marine ecology and biogeochemistry Dr. Marion Gehlen Member of CARBOOCEAN Steering Committee and Executive Board. Ocean Modeller, Biological oceanographer. Dr. Alex KozyrData manager. Chemical oceanographer.

All observatories are part of OceanSITES, part of the Initial Global Observing System for climate which links to GMES. OceanSITES Aim: To develop a network of interdisciplinary observatories around the world.

 Link to ESONET Demonstrator missions EuroSITES will perform specific science missions that will, in the future, form the basis for sustained monitoring of key environmental features linking water column activities with seafloor and subseafloor

ESONET Nodes Existing EuroSITES Observatories Arctic Norwegian Margin Nordic Seas Porcupine Black Sea Ligurian Azores Iberian East Sicily Hellenic

ESONET Nodes Existing EuroSITES Observatories Arctic Norwegian Margin Nordic Seas Porcupine Black Sea Ligurian Azores Iberian East Sicily Hellenic

Short-term variation and ecosystem dynamics chlorophyll-a at the PAP site NE Atlantic (49°N, 16.5°W) Episodic events

Longer-term variation and climatic trends 2000 m Temperature anomalies 1950 – 2000 at Station M (66°N, 2°E) Norwegian Sea Abundance of the Holothurian Amperima rosea at PAP (66°N, 2°E) NE Atlantic

EuroSITES Contacts: Richard Lampitt: Kate Larkin: