NUT Training conference June 2011
Where do we begin? Changing our Themes of the Week to encompass global issues, addressing each of the key concepts of the Global Dimension. Carry out regular P4C sessions in our Tutorial lessons to develop thinking skills, social and emotional aspects of learning and critical analysis of global issues Book-based topic work on key concepts of Global Dimension (with new books in library) In lower school, replace SEAL with Global Citizenship curriculum, addressing key concepts of Global Dimension
The key concepts of the Global Dimension global citizenship conflict resolution diversity human rights interdependence social justice sustainable development values and perceptions.
P4C sessions: How did they go? Enabled difficult and sensitive issues to be addressed in a language and context that children understood Provided a safe and open forum for children to reveal their thoughts and worries Allowed preconceptions to emerge and be addressed by class community.
What next? Writing new schemes of work for a Global Curriculum in years 5 and 6 Parallel classes to take turns every week to research and present a story in First News from around the world and add it to our World Map display Prominent display in central area between all year 5 and 6 classes to add to as each of the key concepts are discussed.
…and in the long term? To continue to develop the Global Citizenship curriculum in upper school To arrange ‘Global Days’ across the whole school in which children will take part in activities based around the key concepts.