#2020 INNOVATE SOUTH WEST Brooke Winters Regional Executive Director South West Dept Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change. Charles Darwin
YOUR LIFE YOUR CHOICE enables people with disability to have more choice and control over their disability supports and services In South West – we now have over 130 families on YLYC
Community Recovery Targeted activation of grants Single income test Delinking of grants Targeted assistance to people who really need it
Regional Partnership Forum Our own Partnership forum – Collaborative forum of non-government and DCCSDS members who work together to improve outcomes for clients in our regional community.
Child and Family Committees determine regional priorities for implementing the Roadmap; Map the needs of the local population match place- based service needs; Encourage innovative responses to services: Support cultural and behavioural changes to implement reforms
Local level Alliances Network of service providers with a key focus on strengthening connections between local services that are involved in supporting vulnerable families
Fostering Families intensive, short-term and in-home support to families
One Stop Shops Gatton and Boonah Making govt services and info simpler, faster and clearer Giving customers the choice of how they access services Delivers more services online
Transport and Mobility Project encompass modes of community and public transport, integration options, and opportunities for consumer choice and control
Service Access Innovation Disability Services a revised client access pathway
Some takeaways for today…..
You never know where an idea might take you…..
Whatever the future of human services innovation looks like, the key for an organisation is is making the most of the forces of change in alignment with their unique circumstances.
Lets expand and stretch our human services ecosystem in south west
Have some fun today
Lets be creative about how we think about our investment in social outcomes
Lets look at how we can serve the whole individual and wrap our services around the whole person
Reaching the next frontier requires the courage to lead.