Chapter 1: Arts and Young Children “Every day everywhere in the world, young children make a fist around a pencil or crayon, or drag their fingers in earth.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 1: Arts and Young Children “Every day everywhere in the world, young children make a fist around a pencil or crayon, or drag their fingers in earth or frosty windows, to scribble.” —Sylvia Fein (1993, p. xii) EDU 151 Spring 2015

Who are the Young Artists? Children from Birth to age 8

Who Are the Young Artists (continued) Children of these ages are: Learning through play Developing control over their bodies Curious Have short attention spans Unique

What Are the Creative Arts? Natural Behavior Cultural Expression Self- Expression Creative Product Historical Construct Technique and Form CommodityPlay Way to Communicate

What Are the Arts? All the art forms encompass: Creative problem-solving Playfulness Expression of feelings and ideas

What Are the Creative Arts? ( continued) All the art forms encompass: Creativity Play Self-Expression

What Are the Creative Arts? (continued) Creative Movement or Dance

What Are the Creative Arts? ( continued) Drama

What Are the Creative Arts? (continued) Music

What Are the Creative Arts? ( continued) Visual Arts

Why Should the Arts Be Taught to Young Children? Intellectually Linguistically Physically Emotionally Perceptually Socially Creatively The arts help children grow.

The Well-Designed Arts Program Is based on: Learning theory Developmentally appropriate practice Goals & Standards

How Do the Creative Arts Help Children Learn? Learning theories can provide direction in designing worthwhile arts learning experiences: The Constructivist Theory The Sociocultural Theory The Multiple Intelligences Theory

(continued) How Do the Creative Arts Help Children Learn? (continued) Howard Gardner has proposed eight intelligences or learning aptitudes: Linguistic Logical- Mathematical SpatialMusical Bodily- Kinesthetic InterpersonalIntrapersonalNaturalistic

What Does A Well-Designed Arts Curriculum Look Like? An early childhood arts curriculum requires: Children to be active participants. Arts activities to be real and integrated. Sufficient materials, time, and space and a nurturing teacher of the arts. Task Force on Children’s Learning and the Arts (1998) and National Arts Education Standards

What Does A Well-Designed Arts Curriculum Look Like? (continued) A developmentally appropriate early childhood arts curriculum requires us to ask:  Is this activity appropriate for this age?  Is this activity appropriate for every child?  Is this activity unbiased? Does it take into account social, physical, and cultural differences?

What Does A Well-Designed Arts Curriculum Look Like? (continued) An early childhood arts curriculum develops:  Knowledge  Dispositions  Feelings  Skills

What Does a Well-Designed Arts Curriculum Look Like? (continued) It incorporates the standards: National Common Core Standards in the Arts, ELA & Mathematics State Standards

What Does a Well-Designed Arts Curriculum Look Like? (continued) National Common Core Standards in the Arts address: Creating Performing/Presenting/Producing Responding Connecting

Conclusion: The Well-Designed Arts Program Check out these early childhood programs. How are the arts infused into their curricula?  New York State Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core: slsprek.pdf slsprek.pdf  Reggio Emilia:  HighScope Early Childhood Curriculum:

Reggio Emilia Reggio Emilia – an example Attention to the aesthetics of the environment Provision of an artelierista Use of emergent curriculum

Summary  Growth Theory  DAP  Play  Emergent  Valuing the Arts  Goals/Standards  Teaching