HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Career and Technical Education: Practical Applications of ELPS in CTE Classrooms August 2014 HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW THE ELPS? Assess your knowledge using the scale: 1. This is my first experience with the ELPS. 2. I know what the ELPS are but am not sure how to use them. 3. I understands the ELPS and why they are important to use. 4. I could help give this presentation.
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver ACRONYMS ELL- English Language Learner LEP- Limited English Proficient ESL- English as Second Language PLD- Proficiency Level Descriptor ELPS- English Language Proficiency Standards
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Academic Language Vocabulary used in the classroom, in texts, and on tests Linguistically Accommodated Provides either direct or indirect linguistic support in order to minimize the cognitive effort that ELLs need to expend to process content in addition to language Communicated Conveying information in an understandable form Sequenced Determining the primary structure or order Scaffold Support that promotes learning when concepts and skills are being learned TERMS TO HELP YOU NAVIGATE
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY STANDARDS Approved by State Board of Education in Are part of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) state- required curriculum Include instruction school district must provide to give ELLs full opportunity to learn English and succeed academically Require all teachers to teach TEKS and help ELLs become English proficient Are an integral part of instruction in each TEKS foundation and enrichment subject Are found at
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver In Brief … The ELPS are used in foundation and enrichment instruction of K-12 ELLs TELPAS assesses K-12 ELPS The ELPS and TELPAS encompass- – 4 language domains- Listening Speaking Reading Writing – 4 proficiency levels – Beginning Intermediate Advanced Advanced High
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver CONTENT OBJECTIVES TEKS – CONTENT OBJECTIVE –A clear statement that explains what students will learn or be able to do by the end of each lesson –Identifies which key idea or concept is the focus of instruction and at what depth students will learn it –Has three characteristics – corresponds with state/district curriculum standards – matches one level of Bloom’s taxonomy – is measurable
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver LANGUAGE OBJECTIVES ELPS – LANGUAGE OBJECTIVE –A clear statement that explains what language skills or processes students will use during a lesson –Identifies the specific ways that students will communicate: listen, speak, read, or write –Share three characteristics: – support the lesson’s content; – match English Language Development/English Language Proficiency (ELD/ELP) standards – are measurable
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver TEKS – Principles of Health Science TEKS- (c)(1)(I) - identify human needs according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs Content Objective- learn Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs and examples of each need
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver ELPS - LISTENING ELPS- (2)(F) listen to and derive meaning from a variety of media such as audio tape, video, DVD, and CD ROM to build and reinforce concept and language attainment Language Objective- listen and watch a video of Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs and in cooperative groups share/discuss the 5 levels in the Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs and give examples of each
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Hierarchy of Needs.avi mUgrAht7y4
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver APPLICATION FOR LISTENING State Maslow’s five levels of Hierarchy of Needs to your partner Give examples of each need
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver In Brief… The CONTENT Objective is… A clear statement that explains what students will learn or be able to do at the end of the lesson The LANGUAGE Objective is… A clear statement that explains what language skills or processes students will use during a lesson (reading, writing, listening, speaking)
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver CREATING A LESSON 1.What is the primary task of the TEKS you selected? 2.Which language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) are needed for the student to be successful? 3.What are the key vocabulary terms? 4.Write a content objective 5.Write a language objective
HISD Becoming #GreatAllOverContact: B. Renee Zuelke