Vladimir Vujović Mirjana Maksimović Branko Perišić The different active learning strategies in Software engineering and their effectiveness Vladimir Vujović Mirjana Maksimović Branko Perišić
Computer and software are used in all areas of education INTRODUCTION The methods and principles of learning are an important part of every educational system: they are not simple vary from study fields No matter what goals students have to achieve they „need to do things”, engage with ideas, practice, try, revise, talk, write, think, work… Computers evolve and today they are widespread used in all spheres of life and processes Computer and software are used in all areas of education
cannot be based only on the theoretical part INTRODUCTION Learning Management System (LMS) is software support on which today's principles of learning rely (they support a set of tool for collaboration, chat and discussion forums) Software Engineering (SE) is now a day’s a matured discipline with well defined Body of Knowledge, Curriculum Standards and Code of Ethics SWEBOK Version 3.0 IEEE and ACM SE education must deliver knowledge and skills needed for effective use of software for solving the real life problems cannot be based only on the theoretical part
ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Main problem in learning approaches today is not a technology. The key fact is to find an adequate methodology for presentation and using of knowledge based on learning domain and study fields.
ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Problem-based learning Problem-based learning is an approach to learn by focusing on the process of solving a problem and acquiring knowledge Through this active learning strategy, students learn to: Solve real-life problems; Develop the ability to find and use appropriate resources for problem solving; Employ effective self-directed and self-motivated learning skills; Continuously monitor and assess the adequacy of their own knowledge and of their problem-solving skills; Through team work develop communication and leadership skills, social and ethical skills.
ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Problem-based learning Problem-based learning is an approach to learn by focusing on the process of solving a problem and acquiring knowledge Disadvantages of problem-based active learning strategy are Higher costs; Higher time demands; Change of students and teacher roles; Formulation of appropriate problems that encompass both a large goal and specific objectives; Setting up appropriate assessment and facing a lack of extrinsic rewards.
ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Project-based learning Students receive the knowledge through: Research and practical application of the acquired knowledge; Detection of subject matters that should be learned; Developing sociological skills to achieve higher performance within the team; Improving communication skills; Strengthening attitudes with valid arguments; Flexibility in the information processing and fulfilling the obligations Achieving practical knowledge necessary after graduation. Project-based learning - PBL considers solving of problems which are based on real projects. Permanent knowledge based on their own experience Projects put students in an active role such as: problem solver, decision maker, investigator, or documentarian
ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES For students, benefits of PBL include: Increased attendance, growth in self-reliance, and improved attitudes toward learning Academic gains equal to or better than those generated by other models, with students involved in projects taking greater responsibility for their own learning than during more traditional classroom activities Opportunities to develop complex skills, such as higher-order thinking, problem-solving, collaborating, and communicating Access to a broader range of learning opportunities in the classroom For teachers, additional benefits include: Enhanced professionalism and collaboration among colleagues, and opportunities to build relationships with students Finding a model that accommodates diverse learners by introducing a wider range of learning opportunities into the classroom. Teachers find that students who benefit the most from PBL tend to be those for whom traditional instructional methods and approaches are not effective Project-based learning Project-based learning - PBL considers solving of problems which are based on real projects. Characteristic of PBL can be summarized into: Students make decisions within a prescribed framework; There is a problem or challenge without a predetermined solution; Students design the process for reaching a solution; Students are responsible for accessing and managing the information they gather; Evaluation takes place continuously; Students regularly reflect on what they are doing; A final product (not necessarily material) is produced and is evaluated for quality; The classroom has an atmosphere that tolerates error and change.
ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES TBL can improve the skills and abilities of the students that will be required to perform work in organizations and to develop their career in environments that are team-based. very good position in the real business environment Team-based learning Independent work of students on the projects can be very effective Does not reflect the real situation in engineering science, especially in software development. Team-based Learning is based on the concept of teamwork Essential TBL elements which need to be successfully implemented are: Groups Accountability Feedback Assignment design
ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES E-learning is electronic learning, and typically this means using a computer to deliver training, educational or learning material. Benefits associated with implementing e-learning such as: It is scalable, efficient and fast; Flexibility (learning when and where); Using e-learning is cost effective and saves time; Capacity and consistency; Higher learning retention than traditional learning; and It makes easy to track and prove progress.
ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES E-learning is electronic learning, and typically this means using a computer to deliver training, educational or learning material. Disadvantages of e-learning can be summarized into: Technology dependency; Material incompatibility; Unsuitable for certain types of learners and training; Reliant of the quality of the content, on human support and on IT skills; Social/economic disadvantage; No match for face-to-face teaching.
ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Lifelong learning Approaches and strategies that need to be fulfilled to make that lifelong learning has methodological and pedagogical approach: Open and distance learning, electronic platforms; Online course and test materials presentations; The interaction between teacher and student, or between students; The possibility of virtual laboratory exercises; and The evaluation and assessment of student progress through electronic platforms. Lifelong learning idea is „anytime, anywhere, anyone” E-learning TBL PBL Lifelong learning is a mixture
ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Self-Directed Learning Self-teaching is based on idea that people should take control of their own learning and adopt self-directed inquiry as a lifelong priority In SDL learner must to take the initiative for : Diagnosing learning needs; Formulation goals; Identify resources, Implementing appropriate activities Evaluating outcomes. A common criticism of this strategy is that students, as novices, cannot be expected to know what might be important for them to learn
PROPOSED LEARNING METHODOLOGY FOR LEARNING SOFTWARE ENGINEERING multidisciplinary science analysis and detecting a problem, modelling, designing, problem solving, obtaining and reusing knowledge Different methods and principles PBL TBL
PROPOSED LEARNING METHODOLOGY FOR LEARNING SOFTWARE ENGINEERING HYBRID PBL Setup tasks Control tasks TBL Distribution tasks to groups E-learning Available over Internet In case of Software Engineering, emphasis is on: collaboration, team building, brainstorming, problem detecting and problem solving. ... VCS ... Moodle ... Redmine ... Eclipse ...
VERIFYING OF SELECTED APPROACH Software Engineering courses at faculty of Electrical Engineering in East Sarajevo Virtualization Version Control System System is used for distribution of materials, project tasks, control tasks and progress monitoring for courses support in subjects which study a SE elements. Project Management Software www.eclipse.org System ensures that students have access to a whole set of tools available through one development environment.
VERIFYING OF SELECTED APPROACH LMS For TBL a main benefit of this approach is orchestration team members and groups over created tasks. Tasks can be also explicit assigned to a member, on which he can apply an SDL technique. The second benefit can be summarized in PBL as a system for dissemination of tasks.
VERIFYING OF SELECTED APPROACH Main problem in curses is how to evaluate each student and each group. Redmine provides a good tool which can help in performing this task.
Thanks for attention! CONCLUSION Software Engineering as an interdisciplinary science requires for overall comprehensive environments. Combining stated tools and techniques in large and complex systems, the benefits of managing, distributing and evaluating materials listened on software engineering courses are being achieved. Each student has access to tool that provides all their needs in courses through the IDE, while teachers get better, more elegant and more discreet system of project management. These systems can provide support for all courses, even those that do not fall within the scope of Software Engineering. Thanks for attention!