Living Life at the Edge of Discovery Mr. Burks October 4, 2013
Outline of Life at the Edge of Discovery I.Living Within the Loop of Knowledge II.Becoming a “Scientific Rebel” III.“To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before...” ---Star Trek
Life in the Loop Knowledge is in “THE LOOP”, like a shared secret. Someone REVEALS/SHARES Information with you. Information could be all the facts such as Newton’s & Coulomb's Laws. Crucial to building a solid foundation of knowledge.
The Art of Scientific Rebellion 3 Questions to Start a Scientific Revolution 1.Where are we now? 2.How did we get here? 3.Where should we be heading next? How can we achieve understanding without being in “THE LOOP”?
So What Does that Mean? 1. Think about the current state of the area of interest (i.e., what are the current practices). 2. Establish a historical framework for its progress (i.e., how & how long has it taken to get to where it is now). 3. Decide how YOU would like to see it look in the future (i.e., become the passionate person that decides the next level and leads us all there on your vision).
The Art of Scientific Rebellion How do scientists establish a historical framework? -Checking out the history of the said phenomena (e.g., the invention of basketball or how lipstick was developed). -Could be as simple as going to the library or conducting an internet search. -Usually goes hand-in-hand with an individual’s passions or personal interests.
The Art of Scientific Rebellion How do scientists determine the current state of a specific research area? -Reading Published Scientific Communications
Published Scientific Communications There exists research journals that encompass the topics of most formally conducted research.
“To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before...” Objective: To live life on the edge of discovery Activity: Choose any topic of your interest and determine its current state, historical framework, and where you would like to see it go in the future. Evaluation Criteria: Creativity & Scientific Plausibility Aside: If you find a research article that you can not obtain access to, send the name of it and year of publication to Mr. Patton so the actual article can be ed back to you.