What is service design? To design according to the needs of people using and delivering the service A practice which borrows methods from different professions.


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Presentation transcript:

What is service design? To design according to the needs of people using and delivering the service A practice which borrows methods from different professions e.g. ethnography & market research, interaction design A creative process User-centred Collaborative practice Proven as a systematic method to answer complex practical problems and respond to new user needs A way to create desire and relevance through new value propositions

Pilotlight Aim “To deliver four pathways to self-directed support in the form of service blueprints. These pathways will demonstrate how to tailor provision to groups of people who are less engaged with self-directed support, providing more personalised and appropriate services and increasing the range and diversity of support providers.” 3

Goals 4. Increased capacity of support providers to deliver a greater variety of self-directed support and services 1. Attitudes are identified that hinder access to self-directed support and organisations are encouraged to overcome these barriers 2. Leading thinking on designing better services 3. Collaboratively designed and produced services and support

Pilotlight structure

Pilotlight (Borders)

Borders Co-design Team

Design Process We are here

Discover Completed: Desk top research 1 : 1 Interviews with co-design team practitioners Workshop with Integrated Learning Disability Team Workshop 1 with practitioner co-design team members 1:1 Interviews with family carers Meeting with provider user group 1:1 Interviews with provider user group members

Define Completed: Synthesis of design research so far Defined key insight themes Workshop 3: –Reviewed insight themes with co-design team –Co-design team chose themes they would like to focus their work on Pending: Persona development – visual and anecdotal representations of practitioner groupings

Theme 1 Assessing for risk & capacity in relation to SDS Options Human rights. Continuum of capacity & risk. Draft national guidance section 4 & 5 / local guidance & protocols required (Lack of) accessible information & advice Relationship between SBC assessment processes (SDS self- assess, CAD & PAD) Role of relatives/primary carer Fluctuating capacity & mental health conditions / advanced statements Supported decision making (draft guidance 9.2) Discretion to refuse option/type of support (draft guidance p.29 & 30)

Theme 2 Enabling & managing risk & capacity in relation to SDS Differing perceptions of risk & risk thresholds Relationship between SDS support planning and risk assessment processes (reducing complexity & duplication) Roles of relatives /primary carer /user support / advocacy /providers When & how to use JIT risk assessment & protection plan Positive risk management plans SW risk & review capacity Risk enablement panels How to support decision making. (draft guidance 9.2) Risk around differing means of achieving outcomes Evidencing outcomes

Theme 3 Joint learning and development on SDS & safeguarding Joint accountability and information sharing Exploring & resolving differing perceptions of risk SSSC SDS practice Simulation Tool Enhancement Positive risk assessment & risk management planning Clarifying processes & paperwork to be used Training delivered by user support (Encompass) Cross referencing SDS & adult protection training (draft guidance 9.5)

Theme 4 Managing SDS money and safeguarding Developing option 2 (individual service funds) & provider systems (p draft guidance) Power of attorney and Financial Guardianship support Designing ways to manage money for people whose capacity fluctuates The role of user support organisation(s) Proportionate audit / fraud prevention

Theme 5 Personal Assistants Recruitment / PVG, Support & Supervision, Training, Health and Safety, Insurance, Absence cover Developing employer capacity Regulation, level playing field for providers Remit of user support organisations PA agency development / staff register Consequences of whistleblowing Protection for PAs

Develop Completed: Workshop 3: Mapping successful journey to SDS for someone with dementia using Alzheimer Scotland case study Workshop 4: – Reviewed draft guidance on assessment / supported decision making and direct payments / individual service funds – Initial idea development around the Assessment and Managing Money themes Pending: Further idea development around remaining theme areas

Design Tool : Mapping

Design Tool : Personas

Deliver Following the successful development of service prototypes to meet the barriers identified in the ‘discover’ phase we will produce and deliver a service design blueprint for SDS and risk and capacity. It will include: Detailed ‘back stage’ and ‘front stage’ processes and touchpoints to successfully implement the designs at an operational level Project timescales Budgetary constraints ‘How to’ guides to implement the service design by a project team

Projected Outputs Assessing for risk and capacity in relation to the SDS options Accessible information on SDS options Assessing for capacity tool for frontline workers Supported decision-making guide Interactive visual mapping tool for individual to understand and track people and processes in assessment Managing Money and Safeguarding Template and guidance for third party Direct Payments Individual Service Fund development

Insights to Date Co-design and co-production take time. Building relationships is key. Challenging theme for engaging meaningfully with people who access support Practitioner SDS knowledge in Borders relatively advanced – Council investment in Direct Payments, SDS & SDS Workforce Development post User support organisations a significant asset Providers challenged by ISF development

Questions 1.How are you helping people who need support with decision making to engage with the opportunities offered by SDS? 2. What are the current barriers to developing ISF’s in your organisation for people who need support with decision making? 3. What are the solutions you are considering or implementing?