Biodiversity Adaption in Plymouth Kathryn Deeney Plymouth City Council
Context A third of Plymouth designated as green space and surrounded by protected landscapes. Contains mix of habitats, protected species and notable plant and invertebrate interest. Number of measures to reduce our contribution to Climate Change. –5ha per Plymothian only 1.6ha available Methods to encourage adaption –Reduce direct impacts and enhance sites. –Increase resilience.
Reduce Direct Impact ‘Net Gain’ for biodiversity as a result of development. Quantity and / or Quality Policy requirement within Core Strategy. Biodiversity Targets within AAP Site specific ‘Biodiversity Budgets’ to demonstrate a ‘net gain’ is achieved.
Biodiversity Budget
Increased Resilience - Networks Facilitate wildlife movement across the City. Corridors, Stepping Stones and Buffers City scale version of ‘Nature Map’ Protected through the planning system –Core Strategy Policy 19 Developed with DBRC Doesn’t prohibit development, but design must encompass the network function.
Biodiversity Network
Integrating Biodiversity Adaption Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessments –Integrated amongst housing, transport, economics Evidence for Site Allocations DPD –Allocation of green space Biodiversity Resource, Connectivity, Accessibility. Neighbourhoods scored and improvements identified. Delivery through –Planning Applications –Management Practices.
Neighbourhood Example
Next Steps – Sub Regional Approach
Neighbourhood level to sub regional level Green Infrastructure plan for Plymouth and the sub region.