Scottish Personality Disorder Network Borderline Personality Disorder Integrated Care Pathway Workshop 7 February 2008 Rosie Cameron National ICP Coordinator
Overview of workshop National Standards for ICPs Local Development –Dumfries and Galloway –Ayrshire & Arran Question and Answer Session Open Discussion
Delivering for Mental Health Commitment 6: "NHS QIS will develop the standards for ICPs for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, dementia and personality disorder by the end of NHS board areas will develop and implement ICPs and these will be accredited from 2008 onwards."
Final ICP Standards
ICP Standards
Additional Borderline Personality Disorder Standard Standard 26: medication guidance Criterion The care record shows that a treatment algorithm for drug choices based on best practice is followed (for example as described in Tyrer & Bateman, 2004).
Integrated Care Pathway A tool to compare planned care with care actually given
Our Standards for Integrated Care Pathways Much more than a document of care given Encompass how care is organised, co-ordinated and governed Embody a system of continuous quality improvement
Development and implementation of local ICPs Emphasis on local development NHS QIS support through the network of national ICP co-ordinators and ICP team Three public involvement partners to advise NHS board areas on service user and carer engagement Improvement Support Team
Next Steps? Baseline Assessments – between Feb-May Emphasis will be placed on: building on the information gathered during the Scottish Government’s performance review visits (2007) supporting local areas to build action plans for ICP development and accreditation National ICP Co-ordinators will be available to provide advice and support to boards
Work in progress……. Dumfries & Galloway Ayrshire & Arran