Rybářská mykologie II Houby
Část přednášky převzata od: Mgr. Karel Prášil, CSc. a RNDr. Jiří Neustupa, Ph.D, PřF UK Praha
Mykologie – houby a houbové organismy Archea Monera Houby Eukarya Chromista Microsporidia Oomycota Labyrinthulomycota Hyphochytridiomycota Dyctiostelidy hlenky nádorovky Prvoci
Mykologie – houby a houbové organismy Archea Monera Houby Eukarya Microsporidiomycota Zygomycota Ascomycota Basidiomycota Chytridiomycota Fungi imperfecti Glomeromycota
Chytridiomycota Vodní a půdní saprofyté, vzácně parazité
Blastocladiales - zoospore of Allomyces Chytridiales - eucarpic thallus of Rhizophydium in culture Chytridiomycota
Chytridiales - Chytridium lagenaria: sporangium developing on a pollen grain of Pinus Chytridium releasing zoospores. Chytridium releasing uniflagellate zoospores empty sporangium on pine pollen grain. Chytridiomycota
Chytridiales - wart of potato caused by Synchytrium endobioticum
Chytridiales - sporangia of a eucarpic chytrid on the green alga, Spirogyra Chytridiales - sporangia of a chytrid on Ceratium, a planktonic dinoflagellate Chytridiomycota
Zygomycota Třída Zygomycetes Řády: Mucorales Entomophtorales Zoopagales Kicxellales Trichomycetes
Zygomycetes. 6 orders, 29 families, 120 genera, almost 800 species Třída Zygomycetes
Zygomycota Mucorales Třída Zygomycetes
Mucor sp. A somewhat rare and opportunistic pathogen which can infect the lungs and other locations. Can be fatal to those with immunodeficiency. Spores will germinate and produce mycelial growth. Zygomycota Mucorales Třída Zygomycetes
Rhizopus sp. An opportunistic pathogen which can infect the lungs and other locations. Spores will germinate and produce mycelial growth. Can be fatal to those with immunodeficiency. Absidia sp. Can invade upper respiratory tract, produce spores and mycelia growth. Possibly fatal to those with immunodeficiency. Zygomycota Mucorales Třída Zygomycetes
Pilobolus crystallinus (Pilobolaceae) is an atypical but fascinating coprophilous (dung-inhabiting) member of the order Mucorales. It grows very rapidly, and is one of the first fungi to fruit in the extended succession that occurs on dung. Its unbranched sporangiophores are 2-4 cm tall, and have a unique explosive dispersal mechanism. Třída Zygomycetes Mucorales
The right-hand picture shows what these developing zygosporangia look like under the dissecting microscope. Entomophthora muscae Třída Zygomycetes Entomophtorales
parasites of fungi, nematodes, amoebae, etc. Piptocephalis is a parasite of Mucorales, and occurs commonly on dung. Syncephalis is another parasite of Mucorales Třída Zygomycetes Zoopagales
Coemansia on bat dung from a cave Spirodactylon Třída Zygomycetes Kickxellales
4 orders, 7 families, 52 genera, about 210 species. Vázány na členovce -komensálové (trávicí soustava) -Parazité (chitin) Třída Trichomycetes
fewer than 200 species have been described) but it is of enormous importance in the biosphere -VAM Třída Glomeromycetes
Ascus = vřecko