Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Sales meeting 2005 Discovering the Future
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Production sites, US MATAMOROS LANCASTER STURBRIDGE Lancaster, PA Photomultipliers Power Tubes Sturbridge, MA Microchannel plates Channel multipliers Fiber optics Matamoros, Mexico Photomultipliers 1. PHOTONIS Key Facts
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November RODEN BRIVE Brive, France Photomultiplier tubes Image intensifiers Special products : Streak tubes Scientific microchannel plates Neutron and gamma detectors Electron multipliers Multichannel photomultipliers Roden, Netherlands Image intensifiers Hybrid Photo-Diode (HPD) 1. PHOTONIS Key Facts Production sites, Europe
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Planacon™ MCP-PMTs Two inch square flat PMT with dual MCP multiplier. Anodes, 2x2, 8x8 and 32 x 32 configurations. Improved Open Area Ratio device now available Bi-alkali cathode on quartz faceplate. Easily tiled, low profile, excellent time resolution, excellent uniformity.
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November mm Square family of MCP based PMTs –8500X – 4 anode –8501X – 64 anode –8502X – 1024 anode New improved Active Area Variants available with 86% active area, 85002/85012/ anode PMT available with integrated Anger- logic readout Gated High Voltage Power Supply available PLANACON Family
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Improved Open Area Ratio Planacon Packaging is streamlined to maximize detector area relative to device dimensions 2.28” sq. vs. 2.50” sq. 0.45” vs. 0.65” ht. 86% vs. 66% OAR 68 gms vs. 128 gms
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November MCP-PMT Operation Faceplate Photocathode Dual MCP Anode Gain ~ 10 6 Photoelectron V ~ 200V V ~ 2000V photon
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November MCP-PMT Construction Faceplate Anode & Pins Indium Seal Dual MCP MCP Retainer Ceramic Insulators Spacing between faceplate and MCP and MCP and anode can be varied for different applications Anode can be easily modified
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November PMT Processing PUMP Conventional Cathode Transfer Process (MCP-PMT) PUMP Electron Scrub Photocathode Fabrication Process Chamber e-e-
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Comparison with Conventional PMT CharacteristicMCP-PMTConventional ConstructionSimple MultiplierComplex multiplier Complex BodySimple Body ProcessingSlow & ComplexFast & Simple “Clean”“high alkali” Effective QEModerate collection efficiency (~65%) Good – Excellent Collection efficiency (90%) 22% 420nm) % peak QE Open AreaPoor – Good with existing designs (65 – 86%) Good – Excellent (up to 95%)
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Comparison with Conventional PMT CharacteristicMCP-PMTConventional Timing ResolutionExcellent, risetime < 200psPoor – Very good Open AreaPoor – Good with existing designs Good - Excellent LinearityLimited average DC current (5 A) Good–Excellent for DC current (100 A typ) Excellent for pulsed light (close to 1A) Moderate – very good for pulsed light Uniformity (Multi- anode) Very Good (1:1.5)Poor – Good (1:3 to 1:5) Magnetic Field Immunity Excellent (15 kG)Poor except for mesh dynodes (5kG)
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November MCP Characteristics Standard family uses 25 m pore size / 32 m pitch / 8° bias angle / 40:1 L:D chevron Prototypes have been built with 25 m pore size / 32 m pitch / 8° bias angle / 60:1 L:D chevron Long-life glass Standard dynamic range glass results in ~50 A strip current → Maximum average current of ~5 A Move to Extended Dynamic Range glass for 500 A strip current → Maximum average current of ~50 A Collection efficiency, including first strike multiplication statistics, is ~60% for 25µm.
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Single Electron Spectrum Good photon counting properties at gains of 0.2 – 1 x Currently working on increasing gain by ~2X. Peak:Valley typically > 2:1 with uniform illumination of faceplate. Collection efficiency for single photoelectrons ~ 65%.
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Uniformity Cathode uniformity within 10% over full active area. Anode uniformity ~ 1.5:1 over the 2” active area in analog mode. Goal is to obtain 1.2:1 anode uniformity. Decrease at edge of pixels due to cross-talk Data provided by Jerry Va’vra, SLAC
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Spatial Variations of Detection Efficiency C. Field, T. Hadig, David W.G.S. Leith, G. Mazaheri, B. Ratcliff, J. Schwiening, J. Uher,+ and J. Va’vra* 11/30/ /5/2004, Playa del Carmen, Mexico 5th International workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Counters (RICH 2004), Development of Photon Detectors for a Fast Focusing DIRC C. Field, T. Hadig, David W.G.S. Leith, G. Mazaheri, B. Ratcliff J. Schwiening, J. Uher,+ and J. Va’vra*
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Timing Limitations TTS limited by –Cathode – MCP Gap and Voltage Recoil electrons (cause long TT shoulder) Transit time (Variations in p.e. velocity) Want small gap and high field –MCP-Anode Gap and Voltage Transit time (variations in electron velocity) Marginally on recoil electrons (Broadens pulse width) Want small gap and high field –Pore-size, L:D, and voltage of MCP Transit time variation through the pore (secondary emission velocity variations) Want small pore size, minimum L:D and high field
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Recoil Electrons MCP Faceplate pe Recoil Electron Scattered electrons can travel a maximum of 2L from initial strike Produces a TTS shoulder Reduces the DQE for direct detection L
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Drop Faceplate Cathode – MCP gap is decreased from to ~0.85mm Photocathode active area is reduced to 47mm from 50mm
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Drop Faceplate PMT TypeWindow Thickness (mm) Cathode – MCP (mm) MCP – Anode (mm) Limits
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Effect of Reduced PC-MCP Gap 11/30/ /5/2004, Playa del Carmen, Mexico 5th International workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Counters (RICH 2004), Development of Photon Detectors for a Fast Focusing DIRC C. Field, T. Hadig, David W.G.S. Leith, G. Mazaheri, B. Ratcliff J. Schwiening, J. Uher,+ and J. Va’vra*
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Anode Timing Resolution Timing Uniformity (0.86mm gap) MCP-PMT shows good uniformity over 32 anodes, each anode readout by a separate SLAC CFD channel 11/30/ /5/2004, Playa del Carmen, Mexico 5th International workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Counters (RICH 2004), Development of Photon Detectors for a Fast Focusing DIRC C. Field, T. Hadig, David W.G.S. Leith, G. Mazaheri, B. Ratcliff J. Schwiening, J. Uher,+ and J. Va’vra*
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Cathode – MCP Transit Time Increased voltage or decreased gap can drastically reduce the transit time, and therefore transit time spread
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Amplification in Pore Typical secondary yield is 2 For 40:1 L:D there are typically 10 strikes (2 10 ~ 10 3 gain single plate) Number of strikes depends on velocity of individual secondary electrons
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November MCP Transit Time Transit time assumes 10 strike in 40:1 L:D with 1000V applied per plate, Chevron configuration
Picosecond Timing Workshop 18 November Future Directions Increase the anode configurations offered Improved average anode current (50 – 100 uA) Step faceplate and anode to optimize timing MCP input treatment to optimize DQE and reduce recoiling effect Develop variants optimized for –Photon counting with high spatial resolution –Low cross-talk and magnetic field immunity –Cryogenic Applications –Ultra-low background Develop other geometries as required by specific markets and applications