Membrane Transport III Chapter 11
Selectivity of a K + channel
DVD Clip 45
DVD clip 48
Patch Clamp Recording
Patch Clamp Measurements of single voltage gated Na + channel 3 experiments on the same patch cumulative of 144 experiments
Resting Chemical Synapse
Active Chemical Synapse
Neuromuscular Junction in a Frog
Three Conformations of Acetyl Choline receptor at the neuromuscular junction
DVD Clip 49
Ion Channels at Neuromuscular Junction
Motor Neuron Cell body in the Spinal Chord
thousands of axon terminals are stained red by antibody that recognizes a protein in synaptic vesicles
Chapter 12 Intracellular Compartments and Protein Sorting
Major Intracellular compartments of an animal cell
Volumes of major intracellular compartments in a liver cell
Relative amount of membrane types in 2 cell types
Complex Cortical Network of Endoplasmic Reticulum
Cross section of liver cell
Topological relationships between compartments of a eukaryotic cell
Roadmap of protein traffic inside cell
Two ways in which a sorting signal can be built into a protein
Some typical signal sequences
Nuclear Pore complexes perforate the nuclear envelope
Nuclear pore complexes
Nuclear side of the nuclear envelope
Face on view of nuclear complexes without the membrane
Side view of 2 nuclear pore complexes
Transport through nuclear pore complexes occurs through free diffusion and active transport
Nuclear import signal direst proteins to the nucleus
Single amino acid mutation in signal will prevent import into the nucleus
Nuclear import receptors bind to nuclear porins and nuclear localization signal of cargo protein Different nuclear localization signals bind different import receptors
Ran GTP provides energy for nuclear protein import
Ran-GTP controls cargo loading and unloading