Data Mining & Oil-Field Modeling Y.Chang
Outline Background Reservoir Simulation Modeling Examples and Projects
Oil and Gas Reservoir
Porosity Porosity = pore-volume / bulk-volume –a measure of the void spaces in a material
Porosity Distribution
Darcy’s Law –describes the flow of a fluid through a porous medium Permeability –a measure of the ability of a material (such as rocks) to transmit fluids Darcy’s Law
Phase Diagram
Saturation A measure of the fluid spaces in pores, e.g., Oil saturation = oil-volume / pore-volume
Petroleum Reservoir Modeling
Reservoir Modeling Process Well Data: Core, Logs Seismic Data Fluid Data Rock Data Upscalling Simulation Model Well Data + Oil/Gas/Water Production Geologic Model
Logs + Core Data Mohaghegh, 2000, SPE 58046
Logs + Seismic Data Mohaghegh, 2005, SPE AmplitudeNeutron porosity: Well 1 and 2
Examples and Projects: A Synthetic Reservoir Model
Permeability Model size: 24 x 25 x 15 Wells: 25 prodjcers 1 water injector
Initial Oil Saturation
Oil Saturation (2 years) Initial So
Gas Saturaton (2 years) Initial Sg
Field Production Rates
Well-13 Production Rates
Well-15 Production Rates
Well-17 Production Rates
Forecast Oil Production
Forecast Oil Prod. – 2 nd year Data
Other History Match Examples Da Silva, et al., 2007, SPE Well PH-01 Results Production Data
Project 1: Estimate Field Oil Production Rate Data: oil rates vs. time –0 – 300 days: all wells at maximum rates –300 – 360 days: all wells at reduced rates of 100 b/d –360 – 3653 days: all wells at maximum rates Task: –Use 3-year data (0 to 1,096 days), estimate field production rates to 10 years. ?
Oil Saturation > 0.65 (6 years)
Gas Saturation < 0.15 (6 years)
In-fill Well? So>0.65, 6-year Sg<0.15, 6-year
Project 2: In-fill Well Location Data –Pore-volume map –Oil saturation map at the 6 th year –Well locations –Oil Volume = Pore-Volume x Oil-Saturation Task –Find a new well (I,j,k) location that can give highest initial oil production rate
Oil Saturation Maps OIL SATURATION DISTRIBUTION TIME: DAYS OR YEARS -- TIME STEP NO.: 50 J = 1 I = K P P P ……. J = 1 I = K P P P …….