Animal Diversity Red circle denotes animals
Animal Kingdom 35 Phyla 9 discussed in this lab Porifera: Sponges Cnidaria: Jellyfish, Anemones Corals Platyhelminthes: Flatworms Nematoda: Roundworms Annelidae: Segmented worms Mollusca: Mollusks Arthropoda: Insects, Arachnids, etc... Echinodermata: Sea Stars Chordata: Vertebrates
Phlyogenetic tree of the animal kingdom, specifically the phyla discussed in lecture.
Phylum Porifera Porifera: latin porus (pore) and Greek fera (bearing) Sponges Greater than 9,000 species of sponges All aquatic, most marine species Pigmentation can be due to symbiotic algae Suspension feeders Adults are stationary, larvae are motile Asymmetrical, body organized as a collection of specialized cells
Phylum Cnidaria Jellyfish, Sea Anemones, Corals ~10000 species All aquatic-most marine One opening digestive system Exhibit radial symmetry Body parts arranged around an imaginary axis 2 distinct body forms Polyp-stationary, example: sea anemones Medusa-free-floating, example: jellyfish Some species exist as both forms in a lifetime Carnivorous: Stinging cells called cnidocytes Used for capturing prey and protection
Phylum Cnidaria Aurelia Jellyfish Cnidaria Fact: Praya (a deep sea hydrozoa) can reach lengths of 120 feet!
Phylum Platyhelminthes Flatworms Includes ~20000 species Two general categories: Free living and parasitic All have flattened bodies & exhibit bilateral symmetry with a head and a tail Centralized nervous system One opening digestive system Platyhelminthes Fact: The longest flatworm ever found was 90 foot long tapeworm.
Phylum Nematoda Roundworms Currently ~90000 identified species, could be close to half a million Bilaterally symmetrical Can be free-living or parasitic Free living: Can eat other nematodes, microorganisms, or decaying organic material Parasitic: Can feed on animals (including humans) or plants
Phylum Annelida Segmented worms ~15000 species Marine, freshwater, and terrestrial Body consists of head, segmented body, and terminal portion Common groups: Polychaetes: largest group, marine Leeches: carnivorous or parasitic Earthworms: feed on decaying organic matter
Phylum Molusca ~150000 identified species Mollusks are organized into three classes: Gastropods: snails, slugs Cephalopods: squids, octopus Bivalve: clams, oysters Many different ways of acquiring food Fast swimming predators, passive suspension feeders, herbivores, parasites All mollusks possess a soft body, a foot (for movement), gills, mouth, and anus. Most have a grasping organ called a radula.
Phylum Arthropoda Over 1.1 Million species, most species rich phylum 85% of all animals are arthropods 75% of all animals are insects. Exoskeleton comprised of chitin: Tough, flexible polysaccharide provides protection and prevents dehydration Exoskeleton cannot grow, must be shed and a larger one is grown, “molting” Arthropoda refers to “jointed appendages” Members of this phyla: crustaceans, arachnids, and insects
Phylum Echinodermata 6000 species All marine and are have radial symmetry as adults Examples: Sea stars, brittle stars, sand dollars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, sea apples Locomotion by water vascular system Water pressure is varied causing ‘tube feet’ to extend or retract Many are carnivorous: Will feed on stationary or slowly moving invertebrates
Phylum Chordata A few invertebrates and all vertebrates All possess: A hollow, dorsal nerve chord, notochord, gill structures, post-anal tail, segmented muscles Vertebrate chordates: Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals Chordata Fact: Less than 5% of the animals that have ever lived on Earth have backbones.
Grasshopper Dissection Structures to identify: External: body segments, wings, leg parts, cuticle, exoskeleton, sclerites, tympanum, spiracles, cercus, ocellus, labrum, palps, maxilla, mandible, determine if male or female Internal: brain, crop, intestine, rectum, anus, ovary, heart, hemocoel, hemolymph Structures to identify