MAGIC M ONITORING SYSTEMS TO A SSESS G EOTECHNICAL I NFRASTRUCTURE SUBJECTED TO C LIMATIC HAZARDS European Commission - FP7 Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) MID-TERM REVIEW MEETING João Paulo Duarte Pereira da Conceição Mendes UPPA
Fellow background MAGIC - Monitoring systems to Assess Geotechnical Infrastructure subjected to Climatic hazards Mid-Term Review Meeting - Brussels, 17 November 2014 Status: ER Home institution: Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour Host institution: Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour Secondment period: 24 months 2005 – 2011 – Durham University, UK – PhD entitled “Assessment of the impact of climate change on an instrumented embankment: an unsaturated soil mechanics approach” 2009 – 2011 – Newcastle University, UK – RA – Field measurements of soil suction using HCTs and other techniques 2011 – GDS Instruments – Secondment from Newcastle University, UK – R&D of laboratory equipment for the study of unsaturated soils 2012 – 2013 – The University of Newcastle, Australia – RA – R&D of HCTs (including accessories) and other laboratory equipment
Work package addressed MAGIC - Monitoring systems to Assess Geotechnical Infrastructure subjected to Climatic hazards Mid-Term Review Meeting - Brussels, 17 November 2014 Tensiocone, WP2 UMS (SME) Tecno-Penta (TP-SME) Pessl Instrument (PESSL-SME) G Impuls (GI-SME) University of Strathclyde (USTRAT Université de Pau (UPPA) Delft University of Technology (DUT) High-Capacity Tensiometer, WP1 Data Control Software, WP4 Geophysical imaging of water content, WP3
Tasks addressed MAGIC - Monitoring systems to Assess Geotechnical Infrastructure subjected to Climatic hazards Mid-Term Review Meeting - Brussels, 17 November 2014 Tasks: T.1.1. Design and manufacturing of high-capacity tensiometers. T.1.2. Design and manufacturing of ancillary equipment. T.1.3. Procedures for saturation of the porous filter. Deliverables: D.1.1. Procedures for initial saturation and periodical re-saturation of the porous filter D.1.2. Design of new prototypes M.1.1. First series of tensiometer prototypes manufactured and ready to test on soil samples The work carried out at UPPA has been majorly dedicated to the design of new prototypes of HCTs using Metallux and PMC pressure transducers and Haldenwanger and Soil moisture ceramics. Currently, a new prototype is in the initial stages of construction using the Metallux pressure transducer and Haldenwanger ceramics. On the side line, some work has been carried out on the characterisation of the ceramics (density, porosity and pore size distribution using nitrogen and mercury porosimeters). In the future, some tests will be carried out using micro tomography to better understand the behaviour of cavitation in HCTs.
High Capacity Tensiometers MAGIC - Monitoring systems to Assess Geotechnical Infrastructure subjected to Climatic hazards Mid-Term Review Meeting - Brussels, 17 November 2014 Design 1: Ceramic: Hadenwanger Reservoir: built with the casing Pressure transducer: Metallux Status: under construction Design 2 (UON HCT): Ceramic: Soil moisture Reservoir: built with the casing Pressure transducer: PMC Status: awaiting delivery of parts Saturation vessel: Status: built and pressure tested
Ceramic properties MAGIC - Monitoring systems to Assess Geotechnical Infrastructure subjected to Climatic hazards Mid-Term Review Meeting - Brussels, 17 November 2014 HaldenwangerSoil moisture 1 st Intrusion2 nd Intrusion1 st Intrusion2 nd Intrusion Total Pore Aream²/g Median Pore Diameternm Bulk Density at 0.21 psiag/mL Apparent (skeletal) Densityg/mL Porosity% Mercury Intrusion Porosimeter Nitrogen Gas Porosimeter Nitrogen Gas Porosimeter
Micro tomography testing MAGIC - Monitoring systems to Assess Geotechnical Infrastructure subjected to Climatic hazards Mid-Term Review Meeting - Brussels, 17 November 2014 Crevice Water Reservoir AEV Ceramic S.P. Mendes and Buzzi (2013)
Micro tomography testing MAGIC - Monitoring systems to Assess Geotechnical Infrastructure subjected to Climatic hazards Mid-Term Review Meeting - Brussels, 17 November 2014 SKYSCAN 1172: HIGH RESOLUTION DESK-TOP MICRO-CT Fully distortion corrected 11Mp X-ray camera. Up to 8000x8000 pixels in every slice. Down to 0.5µm isotropic detail detectability. Micro tensiometer: Ceramics: Soil moisture 0.5, 1 and 2 bar Reservoir: built with the casing
Difficulties encountered in the research undertaken MAGIC - Monitoring systems to Assess Geotechnical Infrastructure subjected to Climatic hazards Mid-Term Review Meeting - Brussels, 17 November 2014 Working with the Haldenwanger ceramics has been difficult. These ceramics are harder than the Soil moisture which results in difficulties when trying to sand paper as to fit neatly in the casings. Actions taken The ceramics have to be dimensioned before applying the epoxy.
General difficulties MAGIC - Monitoring systems to Assess Geotechnical Infrastructure subjected to Climatic hazards Mid-Term Review Meeting - Brussels, 17 November 2014 The biggest difficulty encountered was mainly with the arrival to the host institution as there is no financial aid before the beginning of the secondment. Even though there is a mobility grant offered with the secondment which is paid with the salary at the end of each month.
Outlook of future career MAGIC - Monitoring systems to Assess Geotechnical Infrastructure subjected to Climatic hazards Mid-Term Review Meeting - Brussels, 17 November 2014 Benefits from the Magic project: Improve the current knowledge on HCTs Improve the CV (i.e. publications) Networking with academia and industry partners Better understanding of the industry working environment Thank you