Tim Armitage
Shale Gas Reservoir's The problems with Shale Reservoirs What is needed to Create a usable model Possible solutions to Porosity calculations Total Gas in place Pore connectivity Sweet spots Sensitivity analysis Conclusion
Shale Gas Reservoir's need to contain kerogen
No established database of key well data Heterogeneous reservoir conditions create the need for multiple calculations of total gas in place Kerogen: Gas storage Micro fractures: core sample analysis
Spontaneous Potential logs, Pressure, temperature, resistivity, gamma ray, neutron, sonic and density. X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, fluid extraction, Nuclear magnetic resonance, Pyrolysis, and Pulse decay permeability readings from Core sampels.
The equation below represents the relationship between total porosity and the many different density’s of the various shale gas components
Tabel 3 shows the variation in calculations due to the need for exact values of the density of kerogen.
Each reservoir zone needs its own set of average parameters. based on well specific core log data Then the gas in place calculation can be used
Nanopores- kerogin and intergranular shale Micropores - intergranular shale Macropores – “cleaner units of the reservoir” Natural fractures
Low water saturation with high TOC content Low clay content Higher porosity Higher interparticle permeability Low fracture initiation pressure
Key parameters that have the greatest impact on the estimation of gas in place, productivity and hydraulic fracture design