MBAA-Rocky Mountain District Meeting Beth McCann Application Engineer August 15,
Contents What is Activated Carbon Activated Carbon in the Brewing Process Granular Activated Carbon for Water Purification Powdered Activated Carbon to Decolorize Beer Extruded or Granular Activated Carbon for CO 2 Purification Sterilization Process
Introduction To Norit Worldwide Leader in Activated Carbon 5 Activation Plants 4 Reactivation Plants Broadest Product Line 7 Different Raw Materials Turnkey Approach Systems Capability
Turnkey Capability Technical Service Laboratory Design Systems PAC Dosing and Silo Systems GAC Adsorbers Change-out Service Reactivation
What is Activated Carbon ?
A Microcrystalline and / or Amorphous Form of Carbon A Rigid “Sponge” of Carbon The Active Agent in a Separation Process Network of Pores Surrounded by Carbon An Adsorbent It Is NOT a Chemical Compound
Activation Methods Steam Activation: “Burn out” the internal pore structure by reaction with steam in a controlled environment at 900°C to 1000°C Chemical Activation: Mixing of milled wood and phosphoric acid then activate
Raw Materials Lignite Coal GAC & PAC Bituminous Coal GAC & PAC Wood GAC & PAC Peat GAC & PAC, EXT Olive Pits EXT Coconut GAC & PAC
Activated Carbon Pore Structure Pore Diameter Micropores: <2 nm Mesopores: 2-50 nm Macropores: >50 nm
Pore Size Comparison
Forms of Activated Carbon Powdered (PAC) 100% Less Than 180 Microns Granular (GAC) US Std. Mesh Sizes Extruded Pellets (EXT) Diameter in mm
Choosing the Right Carbon
Adsorption * Surface Phenomenon * Accumulation of Substance at a Surface * Two Types - Physical (Van Der Waals Forces) - Chemisorption (Chemical Bond) * Capacity vs. Rate
Adsorption process Step 1 : Mass Transport of an impurity (solute oradsorbate) from the fluid to the carbon particle surface film; Step 2 : Diffusion of adsorbate into the pore; Step 3 : Adsorption on interior surface or pore wall.
What Controls Adsorption? 1.Fluid Contacted (Solution or Gas) pH, viscosity, temperature, chemical composition 2.Type of Impurity concentration, solubility, molecular size, polarity, competitive adsorption 3.Carbon Type pore volume, dosage, particle size, activation method 4.Process Design liquid or gas phase, PAC or GAC, contact time, temperature
Activated Carbon in the Brewing Process Water Purification Decolorization of Beer CO 2 Purification
Water Purification
Topics Organic contaminants Disinfection by-products Residual disinfectants Backwashing Sterilization of bed
Water Purification Removal of organic contaminants Organics (taste and odor components) Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs) Synthetic Organic Compounds (SOCs) Natural Organic Compounds(NOCs)
Water Purification Removal of disinfection by-products Disinfection by-products (DBPs) Trihalomethanes(THMs) Haloacetic Acids(HAAs) Cl CC CC Br H HH H ChloroformDichlorobromomethane DibromochloromethaneBromoform
Water Purification Removal of disinfectants Dechlorination 1. Oxidation of carbon surface C* + HOCl + H 2 O C* O + H 3 O + + Cl - C* H + OCl - + H 2 O C* O + H 3 O + + Cl - 2. Surface oxide formation HOCl + C* C* HOCl 3. Reduction of hypochlorite 2HOCl + 2H 2 O2H 3 O + + 2Cl - + O 2 C* represents activated carbon
Water Purification Removal of Disinfectants Chloramine removal Mono pH < 5 = Monochloramine (NH 2 Cl) formation C* + NH 2 Cl + H 2 O NH 3 + C*O + H + + Cl - C* + 2NH 2 Cl + H 2 O N 2 + 2HCl + C* + H 2 O Di pH > 5 = Dichloramine formation NHCl 2 + H 2 O + C* NH 3 + H + + Cl - + C*O C* represents activated carbon
Water Purification Initial Removes dust and fines Stratifies the GAC bed In-service Removes trapped suspended solids Removes inactive biomass following steaming Maintains good hydraulics Backwashing of GAC Bed
Water Purification Steam Sterilization of GAC Bed Backwash to remove solids Sterilize with steam Maintained for 15 minutes after reaching 140°F Backwash with ambient water
Water Purification Caustic Sterilization of GAC Bed Backwash to remove solids Sterilize with 2% by wt NaOH or Na 2 CO 3 Same solution can clean lines downstream Rinse filter, carbon and lines downstream
Beer Decolorization
Production of Malternatives Removal of Color and Taste from Beer Decolorization - chemically activated carbon Flavor removal - steam activated carbon Powdered Activated Carbon Used Batch Operation
CO 2 Purification
In breweries, CO 2 is recovered as a by-product of fermentation. It can then be purified, compressed and liquefied for further use in packaging, tank counter-pressure, carbonation, or the preparation of dry ice block or pellets. Its many uses include: The carbonation of beer, wine, soft drinks and mineral water; The bottling beverages for preservation during transportation and shelf storage; Tank pressurization
CO 2 Purification Carbon dioxide gas is passed through a CO 2 water wash scrubber to remove water soluble fermentation impurities. The gas then passes through an activated carbon bed to remove non- water soluble fermentation impurities - aldehydes, hydrogen sulfide, ketones, mercaptans, etc. After purification, the carbon dioxide is then compressed and dried to remove the water vapor. In the liquefying condenser, the CO 2 gas is liquefied to remove any remaining non-condensables (O 2, N 2 ). Courtesy of The Wittemann Company, Inc.
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