Managing Change, Stress, and Innovation PART III: Organizing 7 Chapter 7 Managing Change, Stress, and Innovation Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Outcomes After reading this chapter, I will be able to: Describe what change variables are within a manager’s control. Identify external and internal forces for change. Explain how managers can serve as change agents. Contrast the “calm waters” and “white-water rapids” metaphors for change. Explain why people are likely to resist change. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Outcomes (cont’d) After reading this chapter, I will be able to: Describe techniques for reducing resistance to change. Identify what is meant by the term organization development (OD) and specify four popular OD techniques. Explain the causes and symptoms of stress. Differentiate between creativity and innovation. Explain how organization can stimulate innovation. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
What Is Change? Change Change agent An alteration of an organization’s environment, structure, technology, or people A constant force An organizational reality An opportunity or a threat Change agent A person who initiates and assumes the responsibility for managing a change in an organization Change is an alteration of an organization’s environment, structure, technology, or people. Because change is an organizational reality, handling it is an integral part of every manager’s job. People who are the catalysts for change and manage the change process are change agents. A manager may be a change agent. However, the change agent can be a nonmanager—for example, an internal staff specialist or outside consultant. Management often uses outside consultants because they can offer a fresh perspective which insiders lack. But, they may not understand the organization’s history, culture, operating procedures, and personnel. Furthermore, outside change agents often initiate more drastic changes because they do not have to live with the repercussions after the changes have been implemented. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Three Categories of Change What can a manager change? There are three categories: structure, technology, and people. Changes in structure consist of altering relationships, redesigning jobs, coordinating mechanisms, and modifying spans of control. Changes in technology consist of revising work processes, revamping work methods, and acquiring new equipment. Changes in people consist of altering expectations, attitudes, perceptions, and behavior. Exhibit 7.1 Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Forces For Change External forces Internal forces Marketplace competition Government laws and regulations New technologies Labor market shifts Cycles in the economy Social change Internal forces Strategy modifications New equipment New processes Workforce composition Restructured jobs Compensation and benefits Labor surpluses and shortages Employee attitudes The external forces of change come from various sources. In recent years, the marketplace has affected firms by introducing new competition. Bell Atlantic, for example, is experiencing competition from cable companies to provide local phone service. Government laws and regulations are also an impetus for change. In 1990 the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act required businesses to widen doorways, reconfigure restrooms, add ramps, and take other actions to improve accessibility. Technology causes change. E-commerce and the Internet have changed how we sell products and access information. Economic changes affect almost all organizations. Dramatic decreases in interest rates in the late 1990s fostered significant growth in the housing market. This meant more jobs, more people working, and more sales for other businesses that support the building industry. Internal forces originate from the operations of the organization or from the impact of external changes: such as management redefining its strategies, new equipment in workplace, and demographic changes in the organization’s workforce. These forces lead to changes in the policies and practices of management. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Two Views Of The Change Process “Calm waters” metaphor A description of traditional practices in and theories about organizations that likens the organization to a large ship making a predictable trip across a calm sea and experiencing an occasional storm “White-water rapids” metaphor A description of the organization as a small raft navigating a raging river Two metaphors exemplify the process of change: The calm waters metaphor likens the organization to a large ship making a predictable trip across a calm sea and experiencing an occasional storm. The white water rapids metaphor likens an organization to a group of strangers on a small raft navigating the uninterrupted white water rapids of an unfamiliar river to an unknown destination in the dark of night. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Change in “Calm Waters” Kurt Lewin’s Three-Step Process Unfreezing The driving forces, which direct behavior away from the status quo, can be increased. The restraining forces, which hinder movement from the existing equilibrium, can be decreased. The two approaches can be combined. Implementation of change Refreezing Until recently, the calm waters metaphor dominated the thinking of practicing managers and academics. Kurt Lewin’s three-step description of the change process epitomizes this metaphor. According to Lewin, successful change requires unfreezing the status quo, changing to a new state, and refreezing the change to make it permanent. The status quo represents a state of equilibrium that must be thawed in one of three ways for change to occur: 1. The driving forces which direct behavior away from the status quo can be increased. 2. The restraining forces which hinder movement from equilibrium can be decreased. 3. The two approaches can be combined. In the relatively calm environment of the 1950s through the early 1970s, Lewin’s model may have been workable. Given chaotic change and the global village, however, this metaphor is outdated. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Change Process Exhibit 7.2 Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Change In “White-water Rapids” Change is constant in a dynamic environment. The only certainty is continuing uncertainty. Competitive advantages do not last. Managers must quickly and properly react to unexpected events. Be alert to problems and opportunities Become change agents in stimulating, implementing and supporting change in the organization The white water rapids metaphor reflects uncertain, dynamic environments. The concepts of stability and predictability are relics of days gone by. Disruptions in the status quo are no longer occasional and temporary, only to be followed by “smooth sailing” and halcyon days. Many managers today never get out of the rapids. They face constant, wrenching change that boarders on chaos. These managers are playing a game that they have never played before that is governed by rules which are created as the game progresses. Few organizations today can treat change as the occasional ripple in a still pool. Too much is changing too fast! Complacency is a “luxury” because most competitive advantages last less than eighteen months. According to Tom Peters, the old saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is no longer relevant. In its place, he suggests “If it ain’t broke, you just haven’t looked hard enough. Fix it anyway.” Peters’ observation is consistent with current reengineering trends. And, the quantum changes required to remain competitive in the global marketplace cannot be overstated. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Why People Resist Change Managers make changes to increase the effectiveness of their organizations. Change, however, can be a threat to managers and nonmanagers alike. So, organizations resist change, even when it is beneficial. People resist change for three reasons: In the first place, change substitutes ambiguity and uncertainty for the known. Even if workers do not like the current system of management, at least they know the ropes. People also resist change because they fear losing something they already possess. The greater their investment in the status quo, the more they resist change because they fear losing their position, money, friendships, or personal conveniences. Finally, people will resist any changes they do not believe are in the organization’s best interests. Exhibit 7.3 Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Techniques for Reducing Resistance to Change TECHNIQUE WHEN USED Education and When resistance is due to misinformation communication Participation When resisters have the expertise to make a contribution Facilitation and When resisters are fearful and anxiety-ridden support Negotiation Necessary when resistance comes from a powerful group Manipulation When a powerful group’s cooperation and an endorsement is is needed Coercion When a powerful group’s endorsement is needed Six tactics can be used by change agents to deal with resistance: Education and communication can help employees to understand why change is necessary. Participation encourages individuals to support the changes that they decided upon. Facilitation and support can be used to reduce resistance. Negotiation means exchanging something of value for lessening resistance. Manipulation involves covert influence attempts; cooptation uses participation and manipulation. Coercion is the application of direct threats or force on the resisters. Exhibit 7.4 Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Making Changes In The Organization Changing structure Alterations in authority relationships, coordination mechanisms, degree of centralization, job design, or similar organization structure variables. Changing technology Modifications in the way work is processed or the methods and equipment used. Changes in people Changes in employee attitudes, expectations, perceptions, or behaviors. Change is an alteration of an organization’s environment, structure, technology, or people. Because change is an organizational reality, handling it is an integral part of every manager’s job. Changing structure means altering authority relationships, coordination mechanisms, centralization of authority, job design, or similar structural variables. Changing technology means modifying methods and equipment used to complete work processes. Changing people involves adjusting employee attitudes, expectations, perceptions, or behaviors. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Implementing Planned Changes Organization development (OD) An activity (intervention) designed to facilitate planned, long-term organization-wide change Focuses on the attitudes and values of organizational members; Is essentially an effort to change an organization’s culture. The term organizational development refers to a collection of techniques for understanding, changing, and developing work force effectiveness: process consultation, survey feedback, team building, and intergroup development. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Typical OD Techniques Survey feedback Process consultation A method of assessing employees’ attitudes toward and perceptions of a change they are encountering by asking specific questions Process consultation The use of consultants from outside an organization to help change agents within the organization assess process events such as workflow, informal intraunit relationships, and formal communications channels Management can use the survey feedback approach to assess the attitudes of organizational members in order to identify and address the discrepancies among their perceptions. In process consultation, outside consultants help managers to perceive, understand, and act upon events with which they must deal. Consultants are not there to solve problems. Rather, they act as coaches to help managers diagnose which internal processes need improvement. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Typical OD Techniques (cont’d) Team-building An activity that helps work groups set goals, develop positive interpersonal relationships, and clarify the roles and responsibilities of each team member Intergroup development An activity that attempts to make several work groups become more cohesive Team building activities promote trust and openness between team members: goal setting, interpersonal development, role analysis, and team process analysis. Intergroup development can change attitudes, stereotypes, and perceptions that groups have of each other. One method emphasizes problem solving. Once problems have been identified, team members can move to the integration phase of working together to develop solutions to improve intergroup relations Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Stress: The Aftermath Of Organizational Change Occurs when individuals confront a situation related to their desires for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important. Positive stress: when the situation offers an opportunity for one to gain something Negative stress: when constraints or demands are placed on individuals Stressor A factor that causes stress Stress is a force or influence that a person feels when facing opportunities, constraints, or demands which are important yet uncertain. Stress can be positive in a situation that offers an opportunity for gain. But, stress is most often associated with constraints (barriers that keep someone from doing what he or she wants) and demands (things that take up someone’s time and require the person to shift priorities). Furthermore, when constraints or demands have an effect on an important event and the outcome is unknown, pressure is added—pressure resulting in stress. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Sources of Stress Constraints Demands Barriers that keep us from doing what we desire. Inhibit individuals in ways that take the control of a situation out of their hands Demands Cause persons to give up something they desire. Demands preoccupy your time and force you to shift priorities. Stress can be positive in a situation that offers an opportunity for gain. But, stress is most often associated with constraints (barriers that keep someone from doing what he or she wants) and demands (things that take up someone’s time and require the person to shift priorities). Furthermore, when constraints or demands have an effect on an important event and the outcome is unknown, pressure is added—pressure resulting in stress. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Change, Dilbert Style Exhibit 7.5 Source: DILBERT reprinted by permission of United Feature Syndicate, Inc. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Stressors Personal Organizational Family issues Personal economic problems Inherent personality characteristics. Organizational Task demands Role demands Technological advancements Work process engineering Downsizing Restructuring Factors that create stress can be grouped into two categories: personal and organizational. Personal stress can be caused by illness, divorce, death in the family, and financial problems. Because employees bring their personal problems to work with them, a manager must take such personal factors into account when trying to manage workplace stress. Organizational stress can be caused by task demands are related to an employee’s job: for example, the design of the job, working conditions, and physical work layout. Interdependence between an employee’s tasks and the tasks of others creates stress. Autonomy, on the other hand, tends to reduce stress. Role demands relate to pressure placed on an employee as a function his or her role in the organization. Workplace stressors can arise from changes in the task, duties, and responsibilities of jobs, downward adjustments in numbers of employees to match current demand for products and services, and rearrangements in the current working relationships to fit organizational structure to changes necessitated by changes in the firm’s strategic direction. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Organizational Stressors: Role Demands Role conflicts Work expectations that are hard to satisfy Role overload Having more work to accomplish than time permits Role ambiguity When role expectations are not clearly understood Role conflicts create expectations that may be hard to reconcile or satisfy. Role overload occurs when an employee is expected to do more than time permits. Role ambiguity occurs when role expectations are not clearly understood, and the employee is not sure what he or she should do Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Personality Types Type A personality Type B personality People who have a chronic sense of urgency and an excessive competitive drive Type B personality People who are relaxed and easygoing and accept change easily Some employees are more prone to stress. Consider the Type A-Type B personality dichotomy. Type A personalities are characterized by a chronic sense of urgency and an intense drive to compete. These ambitious, achievement oriented workers have difficulty accepting and enjoying leisure time. On the other hand, type B personalities are more relaxed and easy-going. Managers must recognize that Type A employees are more likely to show symptoms of stress, even if organizational and personal stress factors are low. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Symptoms Of Stress Psychological symptoms Behavior-related symptoms Increased tension Anxiety Boredom Procrastination Behavior-related symptoms Changes in eating habits Increased smoking Substance consumption Rapid speech Sleep disorders Stress reveals itself psychological symptoms, such as boredom, anxiety, and procrastination; and behavioral symptoms, such as substance abuse sleep disorders, or excessive absence. Most of the early interest in stress management focused heavily on health-related or physiological concerns: changes in metabolism, elevated blood pressure, and increased risk of heart attacks. Many of these physiological concerns require the skills of trained medical personnel, so their immediate and direct relevance to HRM is negligible. Of greater importance to managers are psychological and behavioral symptoms of stress that can be witnessed in the employee. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reducing Stress Person-job fit concerns Match employees to their jobs, clarify expectations, redesign jobs, and increase employee involvement and participation Employee assistance programs (EAPs) Programs that help employees overcome personal and health-related problems Wellness programs Programs that help employees prevent health problems Without some stress, people would have no energy. Accordingly, stress reduction programs should target the dysfunctional aspects of stress. One way to reduce stress is to make sure that employees are properly matched to their jobs and that they know the extent of their “authority.” Furthermore, by letting employees know precisely what is expected, role conflict and ambiguity can be minimized. On-the-job stress can also be reduced by redesigning jobs and encouraging employee participation. Many companies have started employee assistance and wellness programs. An extension of substance abuse programs, employee assistance programs (EAPs) have focused on new areas, such as health care. Studies suggest that organizations can save $5 for every EAP dollar spent. Designed to keep workers healthy, wellness programs focus on weight control, stress management, or physical fitness. Studies show that such programs control health care costs and reduce health related absenteeism. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Stimulating Innovation Creativity The ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual connections Innovation The process of taking a creative idea and turning it into a useful product, service, or method of operation Perception Incubation Inspiration Given the dynamics of the global marketplace, organizations must create new products and adopt new technologies. Creativity is the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual associations between ideas. Creative organizations develop novel approaches or unique solutions to challenges and opportunities. Innovation is the process of turning a creative idea into a marketable product, service, or operating method. Innovative organizations channel creativity into useful outcomes. While some believe that creativity is inborn, others believe that creativity can be stimulated by using a fourfold process: perception, incubation, inspiration, and innovation. Moving from creative perception to reality is not automatic. Instead, ideas go through an incubation process. During incubation, employees collect, store, retrieve, study, and reshape data until they create something new. This process can take years. Inspiration occurs when all of your prior efforts successfully come together. Innovation means turning inspiration into a useful product, service, or methodology. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Structural Variables Affecting Innovation Organic structures Positively influence innovation through less work specialization, fewer rules and decentralization Easy availability of plentiful resources Allow management to purchase innovations, bear the cost of instituting innovations, and absorb failures. Frequent interunit communication Helps to break down barriers to innovation by facilitating interaction across departmental lines. Three sets of organizational variables stimulate innovation: structure, culture, and human resource practices. Structural variables affect innovation in three ways: (1) organic structures promote innovation, (2) plentiful resources stimulate innovation, and (3) effective communication overcomes barriers to innovation. All three require the commitment of top management. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Characteristics of an Innovative Culture Acceptance of ambiguity Tolerance of the impractical Low external controls Tolerance of risk Tolerance of conflict Focus on ends rather than on means Open systems focus Innovative organizations encourage experimentation and risk-taking behavior by rewarding both successes and failures. Such organizations are likely to have the following seven characteristics: 1. Acceptance of ambiguity 2. Tolerance of the impractical 3. Low external controls 4. Tolerance of risk 5. Tolerance of conflict 6. Focus on ends rather than on means 7. Open systems focus Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
HR Variables Affecting Innovation HR practices that foster innovation Promotion of training and development so employee knowledge remains current Offer employees high job security to reduce fear of making mistakes and taking risks Encourage employees to become champions of change Innovative organizations train and develop their members to keep their knowledge, skills, and abilities current; offer job security rather than the fear of being fired to promote risk-taking; and encourage individuals to become champions of change. Once a new idea is developed, champions of change promote the idea and build support. Then, they overcome resistance to the idea and ensure that the innovation is completed. These persons are self confident, energetic, persistent, risk-takers. In addition, they have the decision-making discretion to induce and implement innovations. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Web Links Visit the Robbins/DeCenzo companion Website At for this chapter’s Internet resources, including chapter quiz and student PowerPoints. Enhancing Your Communication Skills Go to the employee assistance program provider Interlock’s Web site at Research the following information: (a) What are the components of an EAP and how does Interlock evaluate an EAP program’s success? (b) Identify how Interlock recommends implementing an EAP in an organization. Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Web Links (cont’d) Diversity Perspectives Log onto and imagine you are a member of the OD (Organizational Development) team working to reduce resistance to change and lower stress. Enhancing Your Skill in Ethical Decision Making An independent panel investigating Boeing’s hiring practices recommended 10 changes to prevent future ethical problems. Now it’s your turn—log onto and build your skill in ethical decision making! Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Video Case Application Stress Insert Video Link Here (Size to this window) Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.