SUGGESTIONS FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM IN CROATIA By Prof. Ivan Koprić, PhD Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb Republic of Croatia
1. Rationalisation of public administration a)To rationalize the central state administration b)To simplify the territorial organization of the state administration below the central level c)To eliminate functional overlapping d)To introduce modern regional self-government e)To rationalize the structure of the basic local self-government units (towns and communes)
2. Strengthening of the institutional capacity: a)To strengthen Government’s professional capacities b)To separate ministries and executive agencies c)To regulate and ensure the functioning of the (quasi)independent regulatory bodies d)To computerize and network the whole public administration e)To create managerial and entrepreneurial work methods f)To create horizontal relations and prefer matrix organization with more flexible labour arrangements g)To establish the mechanisms of harmonising public policies and coordinating and integrating the whole public sector h)To introduce e-administration and records management
3. Strengthening of the professionalism and ethical standards. Depoliticization of the administrative service: a)To introduce a comprehensive system of administrative education b)To establish reliable records of the civil servants and employees c)To introduce the in-service training system d)To introduce pre-entrance exams e)To re-train inadequately educated civil servants f)To introduce efficiency remuneration system and peer review g)To establish an efficient system of disciplinary responsibility h)To depoliticise public administration and reduce the number of politically appointed officials i)To regulate the legal status of local civil servants
4. Debureaucratization: a)To simplify and accelerate administrative procedures b)To provide e-access for citizens and entrepreneurs c)To develop entrepreneurial administrative culture and proactive attitude of the civil servants d)To introduce more flexible labour contracts e)To educate civil servants in the spirit of service to public interest f)To create an efficient system of supervision that would monitor legality, quality of services and civil servants’ morality. To strengthen inspection services. g)To inform citizens and entrepreneurs about public administration
5. Orientation towards results, transparency and openness: a)To hire public managers in executive agencies b)To introduce strategic planning c)To introduce project budgeting d)To publicise budget and annual budget balance statements and to enable citizens to have access to public spending e)To ensure access to the public sector information
6. Decentralisation: a)To modernize the territorial structure b)To constitutionalise local self-government c)To strengthen the financial capacity of local self- government units d)To widen local self-government scope e)To strengthen democratic political legitimacy of the local bodies and the professionalism of local public administration f)To ensure a more efficient legal protection of citizens and entrepreneurs
7. Partial privatization in public administration a)To privatize parts of public companies, particularly utility services b)To apply other methods of strengthening the private initiative in the public sector – outsourcing, etc.
Thank you very much! Prof. Ivan Koprić, PhD Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb Republic of Croatia