Puberty Puberty
What is Puberty? Apart from your first year of life, the most growing that you do happens during a time called puberty. Two years before the obvious changes begin, parts of your brain start producing more hormones that are responsible for growth. It is the action of the hormones getting your body ready for adulthood that we call puberty.
When does Puberty happen? There is no set time when puberty begins, rather a period of time over which it may start. For girls puberty can start between that ages of 8 and 13, usually at around 10 or 11 years the first changes begin. However, it can begin earlier or later than this. For boys puberty can begin between 10 and 15 years, usually at around 11 or 12 years. However, like girls, puberty can begin earlier or later than this.
When does Puberty End? The average age for girls to be fully developed is 17. Boys usually are fully grown by 19 years of age. Though boys and girls are physically able to have babies, they are not sexually mature until around two or three years after reaching adult height.
Common Changes There are some changes that both boys and girls experience. These include: Growing taller, and getting bigger feet. Changing shape. Feeling ‘moody’. Getting hairier on arms and legs and growing new hair under arms and in the pubic area. This hair starts out fine and gets thicker and darker as you get older.
Common Changes cont… Sweating more. Getting oilier skin and often some pimples. Having sexual changes. Emotional changes
Female Changes Girls experience many changes during puberty, these include: Bodies become curvier and hip bones widen. Weight gain, particularly around the hips. Muscles get bigger and stronger, however, they are not as obviously seen as they are in boys. Breasts start to develop; first there is a small swelling under the nipples and then the whole breast area starts to get bigger. Menstruation (period) begins.
Menstruation Menstruation is the term given to the periodic discharge of blood, tissue, fluid and mucus from the reproductive system of a female, a period. A period usually lasts 3 to 6 days each month.
Menstrual Cycle The average length of the menstrual cycle is 28 days. It is calculated from the last day of a female’s period until the day before her next. There are four phases of a menstrual cycle.
Phase 1 – The Menses (Days 1-5) This is actually the time when the bleeding begins. Phase 1 usually occurs during the first five days. The ‘bleeding’ is actually the lining of the uterus shedding as it is no longer needed.
Phase 2 – Follicle Stage (Days 6-14) Follicles in the ovary grow and form an egg. More than one follicle grows to produce an egg however, by day 10 one has taken over and this will be the egg that is released. The lining of the uterus also begins to build up in this phase.
Phase 3 – Ovulation (Day 14) Ovulation is the term used to describe the egg, or ovum, being released from the ovary into the fallopian tubes. An egg is released from either the left or right ovary at random and it takes around 5 days to travel through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. Some women may experience cramps during this time.
Phase 4 – Secretory Phase (Days 15-28) Secretions occur to feed the embryo until the placenta is formed, if a woman should fall pregnant. Even if the egg is not fertilised, the secretion still occurs. The temperature also increases. If fertilisation doesn’t occur, the build up on the walls of the uterus begins to break down and shed. This is when the cycle begins again.
Fertilisation The time during the menstrual cycle where the chances of conceiving are at its highest is from 3 days before ovulation through to about 3 days after. However, this should not be used as a method of contraception, as there is still a chance that a women can fall pregnant outside of these days.
Male Changes Boys changes sometimes seem not as obvious as girls, however, they do experience many changes. These include: Gain weight Shoulders widen Muscles get bigger and stronger Voices get deeper, sometimes they seem all over the place, cracking and going higher than lower Penis gets longer and wider Testes get larger Breasts look like they are developing a bit (This is normal and they will disappear) Hair growing on your face and body A boy may experience erections when they are excited, nervous, or it may just happen. Wet dreams may occur; this happens when a boy is sleeping, semen is discharged