Aerial Apparatus Operator Apparatus Stabilization IFSTA Chapter 5
Apparatus Stabilization Most critical aspect of preparing aerial Broaden base of vehicle to avoid tipping over Widen chassis beyond the wheels Apparatus Stabilization Most critical aspect of preparing an aerial device for use Broaden the base of the vehicle to avoid the possibility of tipping over when aerial device is extended over the side of the apparatus Widening the chassis beyond the wheels IFSTA Recommends stabilizers be used every time the aerial is raised from the bed Follow local SOP’s
Hydraulic System Hydraulic pump Oil Reservoir Filters and exchange type oil coolers Hydraulic oil supply tubing Valves Auxiliary hydraulic pump Hydraulic System Hydraulic Pump powered by power take off from vehicle’s engine pump may be either rotary vane or rotary gear pressure maybe 3500 psi or more pressure gauge required console Oil manufacturer specification incompressible Reservoir designed to supply an adequate amount of oil to operate the system stores and conditions oil baffles located in tank are designed to slow movement of oil allows air, heat and foreign matter to be released from the oil
Transferring Power to Hydraulic System Position according to conditions Engage PTO according to transmission type Transferring power to the hydraulic system Position apparatus depending on conditions at the scene Engage power take-off system Control located at drivers position pneumatic 50-140 psi air pressure needed electric hydraulic combination Visual signal to indicate engagement
Setting Stabilizers Chock wheels Check around vehicle Check surface where stabilizers will rest place foot plates Setting the Stabilizers Chock wheel if recommended by manufacturer Check around vehicle to avoid problems other vehicles power poles other personnel Check surface where stabilizer will rest for loose objects place foot plates
Selector Valve Location midship rear step Method of Operation varies by manufacturer Once in place apparatus read for stabilization General Principles About Stabilizer Controls Controls are located for viewing movement audible movement alarm Types of Stabilizers fulcrum-type, A-frame box-type (most common) straight down Stabilizers that protrude from the body shall have a reflective strip or paint and have red warning lights Deployed in less than 90 seconds no more than 75 psi can be exerted over the ground contact area with the apparatus fully loaded and carrying the rated capacity in every position
Stabilization on Even Terrain Allows for maximum stabilization Lift weight off one side until tire bulge is removed Then lift other side and alternate lifting Stabilizing on Even Terrain Allows for maximum stabilization Lift weight off one side until tire bulge is removed Lift other side and alternate lifting
Stabilizing on Uneven Terrain Should only be done when unavoidable Correcting lateral unevenness can correct up to 5-6% grade stabilize high side first Longitudinal unevenness maximum varies from 6-14% Stabilizing on Uneven Terrain Should be done only when unavoidable Correcting lateral unevenness can be achieved on up to a 5 to 60 percent grade high side stabilization first then low side raised up till level with high side work off high side if possible Longitudinal unevenness maximum longitudinal grades vary from 6 to 14 percent (consult manufacturer) work off ends of apparatus most apparatus have restricted loads when working in this position
Stabilizing on Curbs Should be avoided if possible Same as lateral incline Reposition if possible Object must be capable of withstanding weight Stabilizing on Curbs or other obstructions Avoid if possible Treated same way as on lateral incline Reposition rather than deploying in unsafe manner
Locking Stabilizers Assures stabilizers stay in place Holding valves and interlock are most common system Box stabilizers have holes for safety pins Position wheel chocks at this time Locking the Stabilizers Once stabilizers are in place operator must assure they stay in place Holding valves and interlock most common type of locking system interlock prevents the flow of hydraulic fluid in or out of the stabilizers while aerial device is in use holding valves prevent the movement of fluid within the stabilizers Box type stabilizers have series of holes for safety pins steel pins inserted to act as an additional safeguard Wheel chocks should be repositioned at this time if necessary
Stabilizing Tractor-Trailer Type Apparatus Stability given by way apparatus is parked Angle should be placed between tractor and trailer 60 degrees never more than 90 degrees Stabilizing Tractor-Trailer Type Apparatus Critical amount of stability is given by the manner in which apparatus is parked An angle should be placed between the tractor and trailer portions maximum stability occurs when the angle of tractor is 60 degrees from center line aerial ladder is operated toward outside of the angle never position at an angle of greater than 90 degrees To put the vehicle in the angle position approach the intended object until turntable is right next to it cut wheels of tractor sharply toward center of street (away from object) truck is pulled slightly forward cut tiller wheels sharply toward building back up truck slightly
Stabilizing Aerial Apparatus Action Training Systems Video Stabilizing Aerial Apparatus Action Training Systems