101 Eureka Arcata Corridor Improvement Project A Green Wheels Perspective Alta Planning Redwood Transit Authority
101 a safety problem?
Bigger safety issue?
All photos by Eureka Reporter
Bigger safety issue? All photos by Eureka Reporter
Bigger safety issue? All photos by Eureka Reporter
Bigger safety issue? All photos by Eureka Reporter
Bigger safety issue? All photos by Eureka Reporter
Bigger safety issue? All photos by Eureka Reporter
Bigger safety issue? All photos by Eureka Reporter
Bigger safety issue? Motor vehicles are top killer of Californians aged 1 to 35.Motor vehicles are top killer of Californians aged 1 to 35. Equivalent of a 9/11 attack on California every year.Equivalent of a 9/11 attack on California every year. Mass transit is 10 times safer per passenger mile.Mass transit is 10 times safer per passenger mile. Pedestrians and cyclists are rarely killed in accidents that don’t include cars.Pedestrians and cyclists are rarely killed in accidents that don’t include cars. Eureka Reporter
101 a safety problem? No fatal collisions at 50mph (since 2002).No fatal collisions at 50mph (since 2002). Corridor is 3 times as safer than average.Corridor is 3 times as safer than average. Collision rate at Indianola Cut-off is “average” ( χ 2 = 0.288, df = 1, P = 0.591).Collision rate at Indianola Cut-off is “average” ( χ 2 = 0.288, df = 1, P = 0.591). Speed limit still works.Speed limit still works.
Bigger safety issue? All photos by Eureka Reporter
Will traffic increase by 50% over 25 years? Is this an accurate prediction?Is this an accurate prediction? Is it desirable?Is it desirable? What is the smartest way to deal with increased travel demand?What is the smartest way to deal with increased travel demand? Caltrans
Vehicle miles traveled are projected to increase 50% in 25 years. Note that the slope for projected increase is steeper than that from the historical data.
Population growth - 10%.
Traffic – growth – 50%.
Population growth - 10%. Traffic – growth – 50%.
Population growth - 10%. Traffic – growth – 50%.
Today: 27 miles per day In 25 years:38 miles per day!
Today: 27 miles per day In 25 years:38 miles per day! 1/3 of people can’t drive:increase from 40 to 57 miles per day!
What About Eureka? Location LOS Broadway: F 4 th & 5 th St.: E North of Myrtle:F
What About Eureka?
2006 RTP
What About Eureka? 2006 RTP Commercial $1.10 million
What About Eureka? 2006 RTP Commercial $1.10 million Waterfront Drive$19.55 million
What About Eureka? 2006 RTP Commercial $1.10 million Waterfront Drive$19.55 million Widen Broadway$59.70 million
What About Eureka? 2006 RTP Commercial $1.10 million Waterfront Drive$19.55 million Widen Broadway$59.70 million Parking structures$35.50 million
What About Eureka? 2006 RTP Commercial $1.10 million Waterfront Drive$19.55 million Widen Broadway$59.70 million Parking structures$35.50 million Total $ million
Consistent w/ Caltrans Mission? “Provide the safest transportation system in the nation for users and workers.”“Provide the safest transportation system in the nation for users and workers.” Automobile dependent transportation system is #1 cause of death for people aged 1-35.Automobile dependent transportation system is #1 cause of death for people aged Safety could more effectively be increased through alternative modes improvements.Safety could more effectively be increased through alternative modes improvements.
Consistent w/ Caltrans Mission? “Maximize transportation system performance and accessibility.”“Maximize transportation system performance and accessibility.” Corridor is illegal for pedestrians, dangerous for cyclists, and poorly served by transit.Corridor is illegal for pedestrians, dangerous for cyclists, and poorly served by transit.
Consistent w/ Caltrans Mission? “Preserve and enhance California's resources and assets.”“Preserve and enhance California's resources and assets.” Project destroys 13 to 15 acres of wetlands.Project destroys 13 to 15 acres of wetlands.
Consistent w/ Caltrans Mission? “888. The department shall not construct a state highway as a freeway that will result in the severance or destruction of an existing major route for non-motorized transportation traffic and light motorcycles, unless it provides a reasonable, safe, and convenient alternate route or such a route exists.”“888. The department shall not construct a state highway as a freeway that will result in the severance or destruction of an existing major route for non-motorized transportation traffic and light motorcycles, unless it provides a reasonable, safe, and convenient alternate route or such a route exists.”
Consistent w/ Caltrans Mission? “ (b) Where the traffic safety or capacity of the highway would be increased, the department shall pay for the construction and maintenance of non- motorized transportation facilities approximately paralleling the highway.”“ (b) Where the traffic safety or capacity of the highway would be increased, the department shall pay for the construction and maintenance of non- motorized transportation facilities approximately paralleling the highway.”
Consistent w/ Caltrans Mission? Deputy Directive 64:Deputy Directive 64: –“The Department fully considers the needs of non-motorized travelers (including pedestrians, bicyclists, and persons with disabilities) in all programming, planning, maintenance, construction, operations and project development activities and products.”
Planning for all users
Consistent with Arcata Plans? Arcata General Plan:Arcata General Plan: –“POLICY T-1 BALANCED TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM WITH CHOICE OF MODES –Objective. Create and maintain a balanced transportation system with choice of bus transit, bicycle, and pedestrian as well as private automobile modes. Reduce the percentage of trips that are made by automobile and provide the opportunity and facilities to divert trips from automobiles to other modes.”
Consistent with Arcata Plans? Arcata General Plan:Arcata General Plan: –“T-1a: Investment in alternative modes. In order to provide a realistic and cost-effective balance between travel modes, the City shall emphasize investment in alternative modes (bikeways, etc.) as a priority over increasing vehicular capacities of streets.” –“T-1c: Intercity travel. The City shall coordinate with Humboldt County and Caltrans to provide adequate facilities for vehicles, buses, and bicycles to serve intercity demand. Joint efforts may include transportation improvements outside of Arcata which serve intercity travel, such as bicycle links, timed-transfer bus stops, park-and-ride lots, and regional transit service and development of park-and-ride lots in Arcata to reduce intercity vehicular travel.”
Consistent with Arcata Plans? Arcata General Plan:Arcata General Plan: –“T-4a… –2. No additional travel lanes. The City does not support development of any additional through- travel lanes to State Routes 101, 299, or 255 in Arcata or nearby areas. Existing and projected traffic volumes do not warrant additional lanes on these facilities. –3. Auxiliary lanes. The City does not support construction of auxiliary lanes between existing interchanges, or any new interchanges, on State Route 101.
Consistent with Arcata Plans? Arcata Ped. and Bike Plan:Arcata Ped. and Bike Plan: –“Work towards a 50% mode share of all trips beginning and ending in Arcata, made by non- motorized modes by year 2020.” –“Provide bicycle connections outside of the city limits, linking important destinations like Eureka with Arcata.”
Consistent with Arcata Plans?
Consistent w/ HumCo Plans? 2006 HumCo RTP2006 HumCo RTP –“Goal: Build, maintain a safe and efficient highways, roadways, and streets system that will accommodate and balance multiple modes of transportation.” –“A-12 Policy: Promote equity, cost effectiveness, and modal balance in programming processes.”
Consistent w/ HumCo Plans? 2006 HumCo RTP (Continued)2006 HumCo RTP (Continued) –“G-2 Policy: Promote a balanced multimodal transportation system that provides equitable levels of access for all travel modes.” –“H-6 Policy: Consider energy conservation in transportation decisions.” –“I-2 Policy: Encourage Cities and County to plan for land use patterns that reduce automobile miles traveled.”
Consistent w/ Eureka Plans? Eureka Strategic Vision:Eureka Strategic Vision: –“The City of Eureka supports a creative approach to traffic engineering that puts pedestrians and bicyclists first, encourages a safe, walkable downtown, and builds community and character in our neighborhoods.” –“Provide expanded transit opportunities to reduce vehicle dependency in the Downtown and Oldtown districts to encourage and facilitate pedestrian mobility once they arrive.”
Recommendations Select “no-build” alternative.Select “no-build” alternative. Prioritize multi-use trail.Prioritize multi-use trail. Develop Bus Rapid Transit.Develop Bus Rapid Transit.
Recommendations Select no-build alternative.Select no-build alternative. –Rationale for project not supported by data. –Project inconsistent with local plans for balanced transportation. –Caltrans’ rules require multi-use trail as part of any major project on this section of 101.
Recommendations Build multi-use trail.Build multi-use trail. –Consistent with Caltrans rules. –Consistent with local plans. –Proven feasible and warranted. $73.8 million in annual economic and health benefits.$73.8 million in annual economic and health benefits. 36,388 fewer cars trips annually.36,388 fewer cars trips annually.
Recommendations Develop Bus Rapid Transit system to address travel demand.Develop Bus Rapid Transit system to address travel demand. –Big environmental and economic benefits. –Compare with Corridor + Eureka 101 improvement costs: $ million. –Use 2008 RTP to begin feasibility study.
Thanks! Questions? Aloha Freddy