NAPIER/WIDERACCESS LTSN Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism 2 nd Annual Conference WORKING TOGETHER TO WIDEN PARTICIPATION IN SCOTLAND Lucy MacLeod Head of Wider Access Development, Napier University Convenor, Scottish Network for Access and Participation
NAPIER/WIDERACCESS Working Together to Widen Participation Current Scottish context Funding Councils’ strategies on widening participation HN to Degree Napier Working in Partnership Implications for institutions
NAPIER/WIDERACCESS Scottish context Demographic changes 80% of workforce for 2020 is already in work 24% of Scots in employment have no qualifications High HE participation rates for school leavers Over 25% of Scottish HE students follow programmes in FECs Huge geographic variation in participation rates Wealthiest seventh of the population still five times more likely to go to university than the poorest seventh
NAPIER/WIDERACCESS Policy context Social inclusion Lifelong learning Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) Scottish Higher Education Review HN Review High profile for FE/HE interface Merger of SHEFC and SFEFC due 2005 National projects (SACCA:QAA/US) – mapping, tracking and bridging
NAPIER/WIDERACCESS SHEFC Strategies on wider access Project development grants Four Regional Wider Access Forums National Coordinator for Widening Participation Scottish Network for Access and Participation Wider Access Premium
NAPIER/WIDERACCESS HN to Degree FECs better than HEIs at recruiting from disadvantaged areas 17% of FEC students are on HE programmes 59% of HE students in FECs are part-time Articulation - on individual merit - with partial or full credit - 2+1; 2+2; 1+2/3 - by agreement; by design - on and/or off-campus
NAPIER/WIDERACCESS Napier’s FE Partnerships Partnership agreements with 13 FE colleges Articulation, access, off-campus delivery, affiliate students, joint projects 18% of new undergraduates join from FECs 32% of level 3 students are direct entrants Matriculations from FECs increased by over 25% last year A fifth are studying off-campus
NAPIER/WIDERACCESS Hospitality, sport, leisure and tourism Direct entry HND students as proportion of all level 3 (2002/03): Hospitality23% Tourism34% Sport and Exercise Science43% Number of Sport and Exercise Science students off- campus (level 3): 2002/0315 (1 college) 2003/0445 (2 colleges) Food and beverage lab classes franchised to local FEC
NAPIER/WIDERACCESS Retention and progression Direct entrants, in general, have lower pass rates Support strategies: - bridging module - orientation programmes - Academic Support Advisers - study support - student guides - student mentoring
NAPIER/WIDERACCESS Implications for institutions Does the institution have a policy on partnership working? What strategy is appropriate for the institution? Who is responsible for planning and co-ordination across the institution and how are they supported? What help do staff need in developing collaborative agreements and business plans?
NAPIER/WIDERACCESS Implications for institutions Does the learning, teaching and assessment strategy encompass the needs of direct entrants? What additional information and training do staff need? What student support mechanisms are in place and how are they resourced? Do we have adequate processes for tracking and monitoring students and evaluating the results?
NAPIER/WIDERACCESS Moving on from College Student MentoringAcademic SupportStudent Volunteering Work With SchoolsCommunity Projects NAPIER/WIDERACCESS At Napier we believe that, whatever your age, background or lifestyle, there should be no barriers to learning. Planning to study at Napier…… Making the most of your time here…… Delivering skills in the local community at school? Learn more about university through LEAPS at college? We offer bridging and orientation courses to ease your move into university adult returner? We can tell you about routes into learning we can help you boost your study skills we provide specialist sessions in areas such as presentations, essay/report writing and revision benefit from the skills and experience of a student mentor find out what we offer in your area join fun, friendly, free courses with high levels of support and guidance build on your skills and knowledge for going on to college or university Contact us: wideraccess