Mark Anderson Director of The Europe Office LAUNCH OF THE EUROPE OFFICE
What makes us different: Proactive support is offered to the academic community whereby calls are matched with appropriate specialisms; Support is also offered to non-research projects including regional funding, international collaboration and exchange and mobility projects; International collaboration projects are developed and coordinated by TEO itself in order to widen and strengthen international networks in line with international and research strategies and to generate direct income streams to support Office activities. TEO
1. Align the strategic goals of GCU with the opportunities available through EU engagement 2. Effective promotion of EU programmes and delivery of successful EU funding bids within the University 3. Forge new links and expand networks in Europe and throughout the world 4. Delivery of international projects through The Europe Office that will enhance the University’s international reputation as a global player while widening our networks for future engagement and recruitment 5. Programme of vigilance to mitigate risk in EU project management and compliance 6. Support international exchange and mobility TEO Objectives
Key Performance Indicators KPI 1: increased income derived from international and EU cooperation (£) KPI 3: Increased engagement on international and EU projects (nmbr of projects) KPI 4: Development of international teaching programmes (Erasmus Mundus etc.) KPI 5: GCU recognised as leading player in key strategic areas such as social innovation at an international level (membership of networks, publications, conferences etc.)
The European Union is ‘founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities... in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail.’ Treaty of the European Union, 1 st December 2009
TEO and the Internationalisation Strategy
Development Co-operation Instrument – EUR 707 million Latin America – EUR 168 million Asia – EUR 367 million Central Asia – EUR 113 million Middle East – EUR 22 million South Africa – EUR 37 million European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument – EUR 618 million European Neighbourhood Policy countries – EUR 518 million Russia – EUR 100 million Partner Countries Instrument - EUR 74 million USA, Canada – EUR 33 million Asia (industrialised), Australia, New Zealand – EUR 35 million Gulf countries – EUR 6 million Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance – EUR 226 million For accession countries only European Development Fund (EDF) – EUR 85 million For members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States Total – EUR 1680 million FUNDING
Credit Mobility (CM), Degree Mobility (DM) and Capacity Building (CB). Funding for International Engagement