Love Difference Kunst og interkultur Art and Interculture - Next Practice Ken Bartlett Copenhagen January 2009 : next practice' 'Art and interculture: next practice'
Where have we come from? History and the challenge of change Migration and connectedness Art and people What has multi-culturism achieved? What is intercultural dialogue for greater understanding?
Art and People Art for Arts Sake Democratisdation of Culture Cultural Democracy
A values driven approach to cultural activity Everyone has the right to creative and expressive lives and the right to make choices about why, how and with whom they engage with the arts Everybody has the capacity to make meaning through the arts and by doing so everyone has a creative and powerful contribution to make to their communities Operating within a form as artists do is a positive, empowering and humanising activity
Connecting people to arts activities over which they have ownership and through which they achieve a sense of belonging can change lives positively Engaging in the arts contributes positively to personal and social development, health and wellbeing Engaging in the arts can help build stronger communities and link people positively to wider social agendas
Multiculturalism - the achievements An accepted right to public cultural expression by minority groups An increased solidarity within communities about their cultural expression Greater public value of diverse cultural expression Mainstreaming of minority cultural operators as cultural producers Greater confidence in minority communities about their cultural products Some diversification of cultural products by mainstream cultural institutions Increased visibility of diverse cultural activity
Intercultural dialogue for Greater understanding
Differences to support and value Differences between individuals Differences based around cultural identity Differences of aesthetics in different arts contexts Different reasons for making art Different learning needs Different methodologies and pedagogies
Different bodies Different contexts in which the arts take place and has meaning Different audiences that widen the opportunity for the arts to be valued New artistic expressions