NW Core Skills Programme Programme Board Meeting Friday, 12 th July 2013
Agenda 1. Introductions and Apologises 2. Minutes and Actions from last meeting (04/04/13) 3. Programme Update 4. Forthcoming Activity 5. Future Position of the Programme 6. AOB
Review minutes Arrange meeting with NW Social Partnership Forum Terms of Reference updated and circulated New chair to be appointed 2. Minutes and Actions from last meeting (04/04/13)
Core Skills Framework & Skills Passport - Nick Stafford to give an update from Skills for Health Future Workforce - Seán Bradbury to give an update Junior Doctors, inc Skills Register - Tim Grocott to give an update 3. Programme Update a. Workstreams
3. Programme Update b. Implementation & Alignment Engagement Alignment Share Data Recognition Realisation ReadinessImplementation
Organisation Implementation Dashboard (Handout) Core Skills Alignment (Handout) 3. Programme Update b. Implementation & Alignment
3. Programme Update c. Progress against Objectives Key ActivityPriorityProgress Increase the sensitivity in the reporting and local intelligence to better guide local implementation MustIn Progress – 60% Dashboards, Sub Regional Forums Quantify at organisational and institutional level the impact and burden required to support core skills implementation MustIn Progress – 30% Implementation Model & Guidance, JD Pilot The programme team will review its operational mode and processes to ensure maximum engagement MustIn Progress – 40% Work-stream & Sub Regional Leads Ensure the programme support function is in place and operating expected standards/demand (defined in Section 7. Targets and Metrics) MustIn Progress – 60% Programme Office set up, still to be fully operational To conduct bench marking exercises to improve compliance, potential cost efficiencies ShouldIn Progress – 40% Dashboards in place, still need efficiency measures
3. Programme Update c. Progress against Objectives Key ActivityPriorityProgress By September 2013 the programme will have migrated to the use of the national framework MustIn Progress – 30% Mapping to UK framework, To update Ed materials We will have supported the development of the national e-assessments MustNot Started – 0% Initial meeting Aug 2013 Clarity and widen the opportunity for more explicit executive engagement for enabling pace and scale of adoption MustIn Progress – 30% Review of Comms Channels, HRD briefing Pilot the implementation of the skills passport in both work streams ShouldNot Started – 0% NS clarified S4H Position Explore the potential penetration scale and benefits of the adoption of the framework by temporary staff (including agency, and locum) CouldNot Started – 0% Wider benefits seen, NS to scope To prevent duplication of pre-employment checks, promote efficiency, thus saving time and money CouldNot Started – 0% Some national work, NS to scope Work with social care and independent, third sector to adopt CSF CouldNot Started – 0% Interest, SB to scope
3. Programme Update c. Progress against Objectives Key ActivityCurrent PositionTarget - Mar 2014 Number of NHS Organisations in the NW working towards Alignment 95% (2 orgs not adopting) 100% Number of NHS Organisations in the NW CSF Aligned 5% (2 orgs aligned to UK) 75% Number of Healthcare Programmes in the NW Working towards Alignment 65% (3 HEIs still to be engaged) 100% Number of Healthcare Programmes in the NW Aligned 6% (5 programmes aligned to UK) 75% Number of Organisations committed to recognise external Core Skills aligned training 41%50% Estimated level of duplication avoided TBC50% Level of engagement of organisations in the NW in supporting developments TBC75%
Junior Doctor Pilot - Covered by Tim Grocott Lead Employer & Deanery Support - Mike Farrell to give an update Education Materials & SME Workshops - Seán Bradbury / Mike Farrell to give an update 4. Forthcoming Activity
NW Integrated Workforce Unit - Jacky Knapman to give an update Future Role of the Board 5. Future Position of the Programme