Dealing with Challenging Behaviour Clarawood School and Service
School opened in 1994, EBD, Key Stages 2&3, 36 pupils Outreach Service started in 1999 with 48 referrals, Key Stage /14 school has 24 pupils full time & 14 pupils part time 2013/14 Service is supporting 157 in BELB Primary Schools ‘Social ‘was added into the type over the years to be ‘SEBD’ Change in type of behaviours from traditional EBD to issues associated with ASD, Mental Health, Self-harming, Attachment, home circumstances, Trauma, Learning Difficulties. I started as a teacher, then V-P, now Principal since 2005
Behavioural Issues Aggressive behaviours, violence – staff welfare and morale, first aid, record keeping, positive handling plans, Team Teach, de-briefing, training/help, raise and widen the expertise of staff Sensory, motor difficulties – lighting, equipment, teaching approaches, playground, resources Mental Health- staff welfare and morale, record keeping, de-briefing, training/help, raise and widen the expertise of staff Learning – Dyslexia, MLD, Dyscalculia
Management Issues Increasing numbers Deployment of staff through school and service Keeping full time and part time separate in the building Timetables - keeping it workable for such a range of complex needs Timetables – class designation ELB issues mostly around referral numbers and appropriateness Staff Morale