Admissions Process Review Dr Tammy Long Head of the Admissions Process Review (seconded) Stakeholder Reference Group
Purpose ▪The Admissions Process Review will map future models of admissions that could deliver improved efficiencies for members, increased certainty for applicants, better services and outcomes for applicants and an improved student experience ▪The review will consider synergies with student finance applications and the possibility of extending UCAS members outside of the UK
Principles of the Review (I) In line with UCAS’ strategic objectives, the principles are to deliver an admissions model that: ▪Removes unnecessary transactions and delivers member efficiencies ▪Is able to cope with a greater diversity of applicants ▪Delivers fair admissions and access ▪Delivers an efficient and effective process for applicants as well as a positive experience for applicants engaging with the process
Principles of the Review (II) ▪Considers synergies with student finance and other external agencies ▪Can cope with different modes of delivery e.g. part-time, different intensities of study, different start dates ▪There is a net benefit to members, stakeholders and UCAS
Scope Members from all UK countries Full-time & part-time undergraduates Full-time & part-time postgraduates taught Home, EU and international applicants CUKAS, GTTR Employer engagement Private institutions (profit and not-for- profit) FE institutions delivering HE Home and EU providers Student finance IAg process Rules of engagement: timing
Approach ▪Steering Group set up by UCAS Board ▪Project team set up in UCAS – with secondees ▪Wider stakeholder group will be involved in and have input into research and consultation ▪Members and stakeholders will be consulted during the project ▪Any proposals will be tested, developed and refined with members, stakeholders and applicants ▪Review recommendations will be for consultation and agreement by the HE sector
Approach Phase 1 : Agree the principles of the review Phase 2 : Set the context Phase 3 : Member voice Phase 4 : Applicant voice Phase 5 : Development of new options
Member engagement activities (I) Online survey FT, PT, PG taught To engage all practitioners in the review To gain a broad view of the admissions landscape in member institutions Site visits 21 site visits 11 IT site visits Identify key admissions process opportunities and test model hypotheses which will inform recommendations for the future admissions model Telephone & face- to-face interviews To widen the coverage of the APR engagement, conduct focused interviews tailored to the institution
Member engagement activities (II) Workshops Regional & specialist - Arty Admissions, CUKAS, FE delivering HE To test the hypotheses and emerging models with a cross section of members at the same time Meetings GuildHE Russell Group Deans ARC CUG Association of Colleges Individual institutions Plus others Conferences Admissions Conference Future of Admissions Strategy Forum
Applicant engagement activities On-line survey Survey applicants and students to understand their views and experience of the current admissions process Depth interviews To conduct depth interviews with schools, centres, careers advisers and parents to get views on current system and test implications of future hypotheses Focus groups To hold focus groups with students to test hypotheses
Stakeholder engagement activities Meetings To widen the coverage of the APR engagement, conduct focused telephone interviews tailored to the organisation To seek views through one-to- one meetings Workshops Workshops with key groups of stakeholders Stakeholder reference group To engage with a range of stakeholders and seek their views on the APR, the hypotheses developed and recommendations made
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