Healthier Horizons NW Children, Young People and Maternal Health and Wellbeing Strategy -Ann Hoskins, June 2010
Better Care Better Health Better Life Why? Commitment from 1 st Clinical Pathway Group Leadership at all levels Strengthen commissioning Improve learning Some improvements (disease/clinical and public health) but inequalities persist and sometimes widen Children, young people and parents want greater improvements, faster Demand ‘More for Less’
Better Care Better Health Better Life Developing the Strategy Sponsored by NW Children, Young People and Maternal Health Board SHA Board ownership Consultation with stakeholders including children young people and parents Multi sector editorial and reference groups DH support
Better Care Better Health Better Life The Approach There are 3 themed groups: The life-course sections: preconception to birth; 0-5 yrs; 6-10; years Threads across the life course Underpinning system and social issues
Better Care Better Health Better Life Threads across the Lifecourse Emotional health & wellbeing Acute Needs and Long Term Conditions Disabilities and Learning Disabilities Looked After Children Youth Justice System Lifestyle – including obesity, physical exercise, substance misuse, sexual health
Better Care Better Health Better Life Underpinning Themes Parenting & families Workforce Safeguarding Commissioning and Provision Engagement and Participation
Better Care Better Health Better Life Strategy Priorities Criteria for what’s in and what’s out NW position compared to England Within region variation Numbers of young people affected What would it take to make an impact? Will there be an impact on health inequalities? Inclusion in current national / regional priorities
Better Care Better Health Better Life Priority Setting Criteria High Impact Low Impact High Regional Position Low Regional Position
Better Care Better Health Better Life Priority Areas in NW Children & Young People’s Plans
Better Care Better Health Better Life Emerging Outcomes Priorities 1.Obesity 2.Risk Taking Behaviours - Alcohol Harm, Sexual Health (incl Teenage Pregnancy), Substance Misuse (esp tobacco) 3.Top 3 symptoms at A&E 4.EHWB – Suicides and Self Harm, Access/Waiting Times and Tier 4 5.Deaths – RTAs, Under 28 days 6.Oral Health Note Early Years will cut across 4 of these
Better Care Better Health Better Life Other Key Themes Strong focus on Early Years Importance of supporting parents and families Role of GP led Practice Based Commissioning Consortia (emerging policy) Importance of working across health, education and social care
Better Care Better Health Better Life Revising the Product Document will: Describe regional picture Identify best practice to tackle priority issues Use Appreciative Enquiry approach Be co-published with NW DCS Continue to use Life Course approach Support commissioning Be underpinned by what children, young people and parents tell us