Woo hoo!
Labor takes most parents by surprise Once begun, labor and delivery are completed within hours. Following childbirth, there is a period of readjustment for the mother. The baby adjusts to life outside the mother’s body
A series of contractions in the uterine muscles move the baby out of the mothers body Contractions happen in intervals Last from 30 seconds to 1 minute Rest lasts from 15 minutes down to about 2 minutes
Lightening: a change in the baby’s position
Stage One: Dilation of the Cervix Contractions minutes apart Uterus narrows Full dilation = 10 cm. When the cervix is completely open, the first stage of labor ends Average time for the first pregnancy is 8 hours
Stage Two: Delivery of the Baby Baby's head enters the birth canal A small incision may be made to widen the birth canal Baby faces downward as head emerges Once the head, shoulders, abdomen and legs are out the remaining amniotic sac is expelled Second stage ends when the baby is free from the mothers body Lasts anywhere from minutes typically
Stage three: Delivery of the Placenta 20 minutes after birth, contractions allow the placenta to completely detach The placenta and fetal membrane detach and expelled during the afterbirth Mother is physically tired, emotionally relieved and overjoyed
Mother and baby can expect to remain hours Mothers body must recover, the baby is monitored for health problems and adjustment to life
Bonding: developing a feeling of affection, is important for parents and their baby
The care the mother receives during the six to eight weeks following birth First hour after birth = critical time for restoring body stability Rest is important Women encouraged to get out of bed within 24 hours of delivery Mood disorders are common PPD PPP Baby Blues
Analyze the emotions shown from the mother to be and from the father to be. Compare and contrast the emotions felt by the father and by the mother before labor, during labor and after labor. What could be the possible causes of these emotions? Explain the process of this woman’s labor experience. Were there any complications? What was the procedure before, during and after birth?