Excel Lesson 3 Accounting Records
Task 1 Goals Modify row height and column width Cut, copy, and paste data and cell contents Apply and clear number formats Use formula basics
Modify Row Height and Column Width Columns are set for a standard column width of 8.43 Long labels will display as long as the next cell is empty When you enter long numbers or values Excel fills the cell with number signs or displays the number in scientific notation to indicate the need to widen the column You can change column width by dragging the column header
Modify Row Height and Column Width Using AutoFit The most efficient way to adjust column width is to double- click the right edge of the column header, and the column will AutoFit, or widen to fit the data in that column By default, row height is 15, but it is automatically determine by the font point size Align Data Vertically Once row height is larger, data can be aligned vertically to the top, middle, or bottom of a row
Cut, Copy, and Paste Data and Cell Contents Cut, Copy, and Paste are tools to move or copy data from one location and place it in another. You can use the shortcut menu, keystrokes, or the buttons on the Home tab in the Clipboard group
Use the Office Clipboard to Cut, Copy, and Paste When you copy data in Excel, it is stored in a memory location called the Office Clipboard If you plan to copy more than one group of data, you should display the Clipboard task pane by clicking the task pane launcher in the Clipboard group on the Home tab
Apply and Clear Number Formats You format numbers using the formats in the Number group on the Home tab or by right-clicking and using the Mini toolbar Can clear number formats by clicking General format Number FormatDescription Percent StyleChanges the value to a percentage Increase DecimalAdds one decimal place Decrease DecimalDecrease one decimal place FractionChanges a decimal to its fractional equivalent
Task 2 Goal Summarize data using formulas Use Format Painter
Use Formula Basics Formulas are equations or instructions to calculate values on the worksheet. All formulas start with an equal sign (=), contains no spaces, and include the cell addresses or values, and mathematical operators necessary to complete the formula.
Summarize Data Using Formulas Enter Functions A function is a built-in formula that performs a specific calculation automatically Function formulas contain an equal sign, a function name, and open parenthesis, a range of arguments, and then a closing parenthesis.
Summarize Data Using Formulas AutoSum The AutoSum feature automatically enters a function to find the total of a group of cells Excel selects the cells it thinks you want to add and surrounds them with a moving dotted line Enter the Range in a Formula You can enter a range in a formula by selecting it
Summarize Data Using Formulas AutoSum Functions List To the right of the AutoSum button is a list arrow that provides other commonly used functions COMMON FUNCTIONSPURPOSE SumCalculates the total of numbers in a range AverageCalculates the average, or mean, of numbers in range Count NumbersCounts the number of values in a range MaxCalculates the highest value in a range MinCalculates the lowest value in a range
Summarize Data Using Formulas Formula Bar Formulas may also be entered using the formula bar When you press the equal sign, the formula bar provides Cancel and Enter buttons, and the Insert Function button When you select a function from the list, Excel enters the function name automatically in the formula and prompt you for the function argument The Collapse Dialog button collapses the dialog box to help you select the correct range
Use Format Painter After entering formulas, you may have to format numbers and/or text. Rather than making repeated settings for formats, you can copy formats from one cell to another by using the Format Painter To format more than one area of the worksheet with the Format Painter option, double-click the button