Monitoring the Implementation of the Belém Framework for Action: Global Monitoring Strategy and Matrix Bettina Bochynek UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning.


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Presentation transcript:

Monitoring the Implementation of the Belém Framework for Action: Global Monitoring Strategy and Matrix Bettina Bochynek UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

To Reiterate…

I.Recommendations and commitments to design policy, widen participation and improve quality II.Mechanisms to collect data and report on progress in countries III.UNESCO mandate to coordinate monitoring process globally and report on progress. Belém Framework for Action

Collect data on participation and progression Develop indicators for adult education and literacy as a continuum Initiate regional monitoring mechanisms Submit progress reports to UNESCO (every 3 years), also linking with the MDG/EFA timelines of Countries’ Commitments in Monitoring

To develop guidelines on how to assess and recognize all forms of learning outcomes To produce the Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE) at regular intervals To coordinate the global monitoring process (UIL & UIS). UNESCO’s Mandate

How to monitor? Global Monitoring Strategy

For the development of adult education in a lifelong learning perspective Not an end in itself GOs, NGOs, experts, researchers, agencies, learners Involving all stakeholders Linking monitoring activities: at all levels and with other agendas Integrated and simultaneous Capacity building, advocacy, and research Complemented by Regional/international activities; UNESCO support and coordination at global level. National activities at the core Principles of Monitoring

Nationally Regionally UIS regular data collection UIS module on AE Targeted research National post-CONFINTEA progress reports 2011/12 GRALE 2012/13 UNLD, EFA/GMR, MDGs 2015 Contextualized (national priorities) Harmonized and linked (regional/global frameworks) In-built monitoring mechanisms National committees to coordinate Participation of all stakeholders Setting up monitoring mecha- nisms Developing indicators (& targets) Collecting data & assessing progress Reporting & dissemina- ting results Elements

What to monitor? Global Monitoring Matrix

Rationale 10 A concrete and pragmatic instrument to help monitoring Reframing the broad categories of the BFA for operationalization and implementation Tracking key elements of BFA: policy & governance financing participation quality Literacy integrated transversally.

BFA objective Items to monitor Core questions Indicative answers Sources of information Monitoring matrix 11 ➜ A template to be used and adapted for different purposes ➜ A working document to develop indicators.

Diversity of (regional and national) contexts Complexity of non-formal adult education and literacy Different understandings of concepts and terms Systematic monitoring on non-formal adult education and literacy and developing indicators are pioneer tasks Tension between being realistic AND ambitious Adaptation, contextualization, & implementation. Challenges

Thank you. Muchas gracias.