EU CHALLENGES IN LIFE LONG LEARNING Tiina Lautamo, principal lecturer Health and social studies
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Challenges for learners Learning should equip learners not only with knowledge but also with relevant skills and attitudes. Particular efforts are needed for transversal key competences that are crucial for more creativity and innovation and for success in the world of work and society at large. ACCORDING TO EU POLICIES: KEY COMPETENCES FOR THE CHANGING WORLD
TRANSVERSAL KEY COMPETENCES _EN.HTM _EN.HTM communication in the mother tongue communication in foreign languages mathematical competence basic competences in science and technology digital competence learning to learn social and civic competences sense of initiative and entrepreneurship cultural awareness and expression
NOT JUST FORMAL LEARNING Non-formal and informal learning activities constitute a special aspect of education and training because they complement formal learning. Greater recognition should be given to their importance in the field of youth because of the skills and qualifications with which they provide young people and the part they play in the learning process. Comparability and transparency are essential.
The continuing professional development of all teachers and trainers and school leaders needs to equip them with the pedagogical and other competences necessary to take on the new roles implicit in new approaches COMPETENCE BASED LEARNING CHALLENGES TEACHERS AND LEADERS
More flexible and diversified learning paths — for example, part-time education, and distance learning — can help to reconcile higher education with work or family commitments and to encourage wider participation. Providing individualized support, as well as at enhancing guidance, mentoring and skill training can improve graduation rates for disadvantaged learners. CHALLENGES FOR EDUCATION FACILITIES
Partnership between education and training institutions and the wider world, especially the world of work, should be enhanced at all levels. Such partnerships would gather education and training practitioners, businesses, civil society bodies, national and regional authorities with a common agenda and within a lifelong learning perspective. CHANGING WORLD NEED NEW COMPETENCES
Increasing international competitiveness requires high professional skills combined with an ability to create, innovate and work in multicultural and multilingual environments. More motivations are required to encourage higher education institutions to widen access to non- traditional learners and disadvantaged groups, including through partnership with outside actors. GLOBALIZATION AND DIVERSITY
LIFE LONG LEARNING IN EU The Lifelong Learning Programme: education and training opportunities for all The European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme enables people at all stages of their lives to take part in stimulating learning experiences, as well as helping to develop the education and training sector across Europe.
THE LONG-TERM STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OF EU EDUCATION AND TRAINING POLICIES ARE: Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality; Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training; Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship; Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.
EU RECOMMENDATIONS AND COMMON PRINCIPLES HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED IN THE AREAS OF key competences for learners quality assurance in higher education, in vocational education and training quality of mobility validation of non-formal and informal learning lifelong guidance the recognition of qualifications abroad
To stimulate new pedagogical solutions To promote new learning facilities by using ICT technology To facilitate partnership between higher education and the communities To encourage entrepreneurships All these in international co-operation WHAT ARE OUR STRENGTHS AND CHALLENGES ?