Public Scoping Meetings September 26, 2011 and September 29, 2011 Cajalco Road Widening and Safety Enhancement Project
Riverside County Transportation Department Juan C. Perez Scott Staley Mary Zambon ICF International Brian Calvert Key Project Team Members AECOM Edward Ng Iteris Viggen Davidian Arellano Associates Cheryl Donahue
Overview of proposed project Present alternatives to be studied Explain process and opportunities for public input Why now? To receive input, answer questions Meeting format – Presentation/open house Meeting Purpose, Timing Juan C. Perez, Director of Transportation, RCTD
Sign-In– 6:30 – 6:45 pm Presentation – 6:45 – 7:15 pm Open House – 7:15 – 8:00 pm Q/A Session – 8:00 – 8:30 pm Meeting Format
Project Overview Proposed Project: Widen Cajalco Road from two to four lanes between Harvill Avenue and Temescal Canyon Road, and from four to six lanes between the I-215 southbound ramps and Harvill Avenue
Cajalco vs. Mid County Parkway RCTC proposed the Mid County Parkway as a 6-lane freeway within a 220-foot right-of-way between SR-79 and I-15 The preferred alignment (Alt. 9) was about a mile south of Cajalco through Gavilan Hills, very limited access, all new right-of-way, major grading Cajalco would have remained in addition to the MCP for local circulation and access – two major corridors Due to funding limitations, community concerns and environmental concerns, RCTC refocused the MCP in 2009 to be between I-215 and SR-79 and dropped pursuing the freeway route between I-215 and I-15 RCTC action was contingent on County approval of a project to improve Cajalco
Collision Data January 2008 – December 2010 Total collisions along corridor: 337 – about 1 collision every 3 days 152 intersection collisions: Broadside, rear-end, hit object Primary causes: Unsafe speed, failure to yield, failure to obey signals and signs Highest number between Alexander Street and Day Street 185 other collisions: Rear-end, hit object, overturn Primary causes: improper turning, unsafe speed and DUI Highest number west of La Sierra Avenue
Traffic Conditions 2010 Daily Traffic Volumes: Generally less than 10,000 vehicles west of El Sobrante 14,000 to 19,000 vehicles east of El Sobrante Traffic will be expected to increase significantly in the future as growth continues in the County. Detailed project studies will be done as part of this project.
Environmental Process Brian Calvert, Project Manager, ICF International Environmental Document: Informs public and decision-makers of proposed project and how environment may be affected Identifies ways to avoid/reduce impacts Notice of Preparation: Initiates 45-day period in which to submit comments regarding the project to the County A NEPA document will be prepared for the proposed project. However, this effort has not yet started.
Technical Studies Traffic Biological resources Noise Water quality Hazardous materials/waste Geotechnical assessment Cultural resources Air quality Visual/aesthetics Community impacts Paleontological resources Floodplains Relocation impacts
Proposed Alternatives Edward Ng, Engineering Manager, AECOM Two design alternatives, Alternative 1 and Alternative 2, and a No-Build alternative, are proposed for environmental analysis
Generally follows existing alignment Wildlife crossings Bike lanes and horse trails Drainage improvements Some property acquisition needed Safety enhancements: Construct medians Pave roadway shoulders Realign curves Add left- and right-turn pockets Add roadway signs Provide new/improved traffic signals Alternative 1
Similar to Alternative 1, except for new section south of Cajalco Road between Hollis Lane and Eagle Canyon Road Follows current General Plan More right-of-way impacts Alternative 2
No Build Alternative Would remain two-lane roadway throughout most of existing alignment Many segments would continue to operate at unacceptable traffic levels Would not address regional growth needs Would not provide safety enhancements Additional traffic congestion – worsens air quality
Project Visualization
West End Segment – Alternative 1
Project Visualization West End Segment – Alternative 2
Project Visualization East End Segment – Alternatives 1 & 2
Anticipated Construction Phases 16-mile corridor will be constructed in phases: Phase 1: Between Wood Road and Interstate 215 Future phases: Wood Road to El Sobrante El Sobrante to La Sierra La Sierra to Temescal Canyon Road
Anticipated Schedule Public Scoping: Currently ongoing Preliminary Engineering: Draft Environmental Document: Public Availability of Draft Environmental Document: 2013 Select Preferred Alternative: Late 2013/Early 2014 Final Environmental Document: Obtain Funding: Final Design and Property Acquisition, Phase 1: Start Construction, Phase 1:
Next Steps Consider input from meetings/written comments in Draft Env Document Continue technical, engineering, environmental studies Present Draft Environmental Document for public review and include responses in Final Environmental Document Identify preferred project alternative, with consideration of public and agency comments Obtain project approval Provide project update prior to construction
Public Comments Submit written comments tonight using comment card Speak to court reporter at tonight’s meeting Mail comments to: Mary Zambon Riverside County Transportation Department th Street, Riverside, CA comments via website: Fax comments: (951) Comments due October 21, 2011
Project Contacts Cheryl Donahue, Community Outreach, (909) Scott Staley, Project Manager, (951) Mary Zambon, Environmental Project Manager, (951) Frances Segovia, Spanish Interpreter, (951)
Thank You We appreciate your attendance Please visit the exhibits and speak to project planners Please complete a comment card or speak to the court reporter about this project