Alachua County BoCC Meeting November 8, 2011
Project Background and Location Study Purpose Study Activities Bridge Alternatives Evaluation Schedule
Identified as a needed project in 2005 Tower Road Network Study. Identified as major project need in the recently adopted Mobility Plan. Design funded with $540,000 of Transportation Trust Fund.
Determine need to improve safety and add capacity on SW 20 th Ave. from SW 61 st St. to SW 62 nd Ave. Based upon the established need develop alternatives to satisfy the need. Evaluate identified alternatives relative to environmental impacts and costs. Submit Draft Project Development Summary Report (PDSR) to FDOT for review and comment.
Present to the BoCC the PDSR with the identified alternatives. Conduct a Alternatives Public Meeting to solicit public comment on identified alternatives. Present to the BoCC and MTPO. Hold a public hearing to present the preferred alternative. Finalize study recommendations and secure FDOT approval.
Conduct deficiency analysis Develop project purpose and need Develop alternatives Conduct environmental evaluation of alternatives Develop costs Conduct comparative analysis Develop Draft Project Development Summary Report (PDSR)
Bridge Alternatives Evaluation No-build alternative will be carried through completion of the study Four bridge build alternatives considered 1.Restripe existing bridge and construct a new parallel multi-use path bridge 2.Widen the existing bridge 3.Construct a new parallel vehicular bridge 4.Replace the existing bridge with a completely new bridge
Present to the BoCC the PDSR with the identified alternatives. (Spring 2012) Conduct Alternatives Public Meeting (Spring 2012) Select preferred alternative (Summer 2012) Conduct Public Hearing (Summer 2012) Develop Final PDSR (Fall 2012) Secure FDOT approval (Fall 2012)