2008 TPP Update August 11, 2008 Minnesota MPO Summer Workshop.


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Presentation transcript:

2008 TPP Update August 11, 2008 Minnesota MPO Summer Workshop

Schedule for the plan: 2008 March-July: Draft Plan development Late July: Preliminary Draft distribution August: Draft Plan review in TAC/TAB Committees –August 6 TAC –August 14 TAB Policy –August 20 TAB September 10: Council adopts draft plan for public hearing September-October: Open Houses and Public Hearing November: Revisions from public comments received December: Council adopts final plan

Plan Chapters 1. Overview 2. Policies and Strategies 3. Regional Transportation Finance 4. Land Use 5. Regional Mobility Modal Chapters 11. Federal Requirements 12. Work Program 6. Highways 7. Transit 8. Freight 9. Non-motorized 10. Aviation

Modal Chapter Organization Existing System Progress Since Last Policy Plan Issues and Trends Policies and Strategies Plan Costs for Highways and Transit

Policies and Strategies Policies are broad action statements that address regional issues Accompanying strategies provide specific methods for implementing the policies Major policy categories are: –Transportation System Investment –Highway System –Transit System –Other Modes Modal chapters expand upon policies and strategies

Regional Transportation Finance The Council will identify and pursue an adequate level of resources for regional transportation investments. Primary finance issues: –Volatility and decrease of MVST revenues –Revenue source lacking to grow bus operations –Increasing gas prices/flat gas tax revenues –Inflation of project costs –Uncertain future of federal revenues

Finance cont. Fiscally Constrained Investments: –Existing system preservation, operation, and maintenance is highest priority –Highway target formula and Chapter 152 funds will cover bridges and preservation, no expansion –MVST phase-in and forecast MVST growth maintain existing highway and transit systems –New sales tax revenues will be used for transitway investments –Reaching regional ridership goals will require bus system expansion and new funding

Land Use Focus on coordination of regional growth and transportation systems Relates Regional Development Framework to Transportation Policy Plan Spells out local plan transportation content –Conformance –Consistency –Compatibility Encourages density along corridors

Regional Mobility Issues Overwhelming Maintenance and Preservation Needs Escalating Cost of Construction Solving congestion through highway expansion not realistic New Emphasis: Congestion Management not Congestion Relief

Regional Mobility cont. Multi-Modal Investment Strategy –Expanding transportation choices Congestion Management Plan (2009) –Role of managed HOV/HOT lanes/bus shoulders –Travel Demand Management –Localized congestion relief and greater highway system efficiencies using person throughput as measure New “process” includes recurrent evaluation


Progress Since Last Plan Table 6-1 Highway Projects Implemented Since TPP Adopted in I-94, I-494 to Humboldt Ave. Reconstruct and widen to six through lanes and auxiliary lane. 2.TH 100, Glenwood to CSAH 152. Reconstruct, eliminate intersection and widen to six through lanes. 3.TH 55, Hiawatha Ave. Reconstruct, widen, add turn lanes and build interchanges with TH 62 and TH 5. 4.I-35E, Mississippi River Bridge. Replace four-lane bridge with six through lanes, auxiliary lane and pedestrian/bike trail. 5.Wakota Bridge over the Mississippi River. Replace WB bridge, reconstruct interchange with TH 61 and TH 61 through Newport. EB bridge contract let 6.I-494, I-394 to TH 100. Rebuild to 6 through lanes, includes a continuous auxiliary lane 7.TH 36, McKnight to Margaret. Build a four-lane freeway to replace four-lane expressway. 8.I-694, I-35E “Unweave the Weave”. Rebuild this corridor area to provide 6 through lanes in all directions 9.New TH 212 from CSAH 4 to Carver. Build 4–lane freeway. 10.Low-Cost/High-Benefit projects  I-394 auxiliary lane  TH 100 lane add  I-94 lane add 11.TH 65 and TH 242. Reconstruct to an interchange with additional overpasses and frontage roads 12.TH 12, Wayzata Blvd to CR 6. Build 2 lane freeway 13.TH 62/I-35W. Rebuild interchange and add HOV from 66 th St to 42 nd St 14.TH 169, Pioneer Trail and Anderson Lakes Pkwy. New interchanges 15.TH 169 at CSAH 81. New interchange

Highway Issues Congestion: Growing demand and limited capacity Gasoline Price and Supply Increasing costs to maintain existing system Demographic changes Gas tax receipts not keeping pace with inflation

Fiscal Constraints Allocates all available MnDOT funds from Chapter 152 and target formula out to 2030 Chapter 152 legislation provides funding for bridges and approaches Additional $131 M from target formula funds contribute to bridges Remaining target formula funds allocated for preservation and maintenance Target formula funds flat for 5 years, then state and federal funds increase 1.6% per year

Constrained Plan Projects included: –4 Tier I Bridges and 39 Tier II Bridges and approaches –Preservation needs met –Safety investments per federal guidance –Phase I CMP projects Remaining expansion projects from TPP adopted in 2004 put on hold

Expansion Projects on Hold

Expansion Project Rescoping Plan calls for project rescoping to: Identify primary project objective Define the project’s preservation, safety and mobility needs Search for low cost safety and mobility solutions


Progress Since Last Plan Progress towards ridership goal: Region added 16 million annual rides since 2003 On track to reach goal to double ridership

Transitway Progress Northstar Commuter rail scheduled to open in 2009 Central Corridor LRT completing Preliminary Engineering for 2014 opening Urban Partnership Agreement advancing 35W and Cedar Avenue BRTs Bottineau Transitway undergoing Alternatives Analysis Southwest Transitway beginning EIS work Red Rock completed Alternatives Analysis Rush Line undergoing Alternatives Analysis

Major Transit Issues Demand for service increasing Declines in major revenue source (MVST) Rising costs of providing transit Continued need for new transit funding source Increasing complexity in transit governance Much land use is not supportive of transit Congestion hinders fast, reliable transit

Transit Plan Continue progress toward regional ridership goal of doubling ridership by 2030 through: Strengthening the region’s bus system Building a network of transitways

Annual Rides in 2030 Rail Transitways –2030 ridership: million rides 9 million rail rides in million bus rides shift to rail million new rides on rail transitways Bus System –2030 bus ridership: 100 million rides 80 million bus rides in million shift to rail +40 million new rides

Improved Bus Service Local Bus improvements to: –Support Transitway Investments –Meet growing demand on local routes –Expand service coverage Arterial transit corridor improvements Express bus improvements Demand for ADA Services projected to grow Long distance express service –Acknowledges potential for new routes –Requires coordination with adjacent counties and MnDOT

Transitways Transitway modes include: Commuter Rail Light Rail Bus Rapid Transit Express Bus Corridors with Transit Advantages Intercity passenger rail not within purview of this plan

Transitway Recommendations Complete/Under Construction/In Implementation – 394 HOT Lane- Hiawatha- Central Corridor LRT – Cedar Ave BRT- 35W BRT- Northstar Commuter Rail In Development: − Southwest Corridor - Bottineau Corridor Arterial Street BRT: − Central Ave – Nicollet Ave– Robert Street − Snelling Ave – Chicago Ave– West 7 th Street − Broadway Ave – East 7 th Street– I-494/American Blvd Express bus corridors with transit advantages - Enhance service and facilities on express corridors Initiate Corridor Studies for mode and alignment: − I-35W North Corridor - TH 36/NE Corridor − I-94 East Corridor- Rush Line (AA in progress) − Central Avenue/TH65 Other Studies − Midtown Corridor: Study after SW complete − Commuter rail: Re-examine after Northstar opens

Other Modes

Freight System Freight and goods movement is essential to a vibrant regional and state economy. Primary freight issues: Freight congestion on highways and railroads Rising fuel costs Freight safety and security

Freight cont. Plan recommendations: –Identify new freight connections to National Highway System –Learn from strategies in Mn/DOT truck parking study –Acknowledge and plan for increased freight railroad growth –Conduct a comprehensive freight study with Mn/DOT Office of Freight

Non-Motorized Issues Bicycling rate is up, yet barriers still exist Good pedestrian environment essential component of transit success Accessibility for persons with disabilities Highways create barriers for pedestrians Bicycling shows promise as option for short trips

Non-Motorized Plan recommendations: Connections to transit Removal of barriers Safety improvements Bike/pedestrian accommodations on road construction projects Mapping project Prepare regional signage and way finding plan

Aviation Air Transportation is critical to competing in a globalized economy and providing improved international market connectivity. Primary Aviation Issues: –World demographic and economic conditions –US aviation policy/National system performance –Funding of infrastructure and operations –Condition of U.S. Airlines and fuel costs –Effects/implications of Delta/NWA merger –Preservation and enhancement of regional airports

Aviation cont. Regional Plan Components: Phase I Update (2008) Revises and incorporates 1996 APP/2004TPP Phase II Technical Evaluations/Amendment (2010)

Federal Requirements 8 SAFETEA-LU Planning Factors Intelligent Transportation Systems Operations and Management Title VI (Environmental Justice) Environmental Issues Consultation, Cooperation, and Public Participation

Work Program Highway Related Activities –System Optimization Study –Congestion Management Plan - Phase II –Major Highway Project Re-scoping Transit Related Activities : –Mode and alignment studies recommended –Community-Based Transit –Study BRT on arterial street corridors Other Studies: –Travel Behavior Inventory (2010) –Regional freight/Freight connector Study –Aviation System Plan & 2030 MSP Plan Plan Amendment (2010)

TPP Amendment- 2009/2010 Incorporate completed work program studies Provide additional details on funding: –Federal: Changes due to federal reauthorization (due Sep ‘09) –State: Detail highway funding –Local: Incorporate relevant CTIB investment policies and decisions

Congestion Management Plan Direction for Phase II process includes: –Manage system –Manage demand –Manage congestion Identify low cost/high benefit projects Identify alternatives to congestion

System Optimization Strategy One of 3 highway studies in work plan – results to be amended into TPP in 2010 Provide “Vision” for foreseeable future Provide Recommendations to: –“Right-size” the highway system –Optimize use of through lanes, shoulders and right-of- way Provide context for: –Congestion management plan phase II –Rescoping of major expansion projects

Low Cost–High Benefit Projects Objectives of low cost-high benefit projects: Smooth traffic flow Integrate preservation, safety and mobility Easier to implement Limited right-of-way needs Spread funds to numerous geographic locations

2008 Update