Introduction to EGEE Cluster Session C. Vuerli (1,2), F. Pasian (1,2) (1)INAF – Information System Unit (2)INAF – Astronomical Observatory of Trieste
Monday 25 May 2009Introduction - C. Vuerli, F. Pasian2 Motivations IVOA interoperability is an excellent opportunity to put together users/developers of IVOA and EGEE/Grid We feel the need of a closer interaction between VObs and Grid (shared resources and tools/services but also shared man-power) A checkpoint is extremely important now that the European Grid moves towards EGI. We perceive as extremely important to widen the A&A community in EGI
Monday 25 May 2009Introduction - C. Vuerli, F. Pasian3 Questions Are there A&A groups in EGEE that make use of IVOA resources? And, if so, how? Are there IVOA users/developers that make use of Grid resources? And, if so, how? –Any input given in this session useful to answer to these two questions is most than welcome
Monday 25 May 2009Introduction - C. Vuerli, F. Pasian4 Questions What do EGEE and IVOA communities think about the VObs-Grid interoperability? –Is it unimportant? –Is it relevant? And if so: Is it adequate or should it be improved?
Monday 25 May 2009Introduction - C. Vuerli, F. Pasian5 Different possible approaches I’m a VObs user and I’m not interested to use the Grid. I make use of local clusters and/or mainframes I’m a VObs user. I want to access the Grid just when I need computing power I’m a VObs user and I would like a working environment where VObs and Grid resources are closely integrated and both permanently available
Monday 25 May 2009Introduction - C. Vuerli, F. Pasian6 The expected outcome Your opinion is very important for us. We must better understand the profile of the future astronomical community in EGI We hope to involve more the VObs community in the EGI business –Are there VObs users/groups interested to join the effort of setting up the SSC for A&A in EGI? Some important communities of users and developers have operated with the Grid in the past, but outside EGEE –Are these communities now available and ready to join the future astronomical community in EGI?
Monday 25 May 2009Introduction - C. Vuerli, F. Pasian7 Applications & Resources New communities that join the SSC project are expected to: –Bring new users who subscribe available VOs and, in case, propose the creation of new ones –Contribute with new applications and use- cases –Identify missing requirements for their applications –Be available to share a fraction of their local resources within VOs they decide to support