Todd Bergland Trnsport Systems Manager WebCES TRT Chair Randy Lawton Senior Analyst WebCES Development WebCES Interface
Overview of WebCES WebCES System Setup WebCES in Minnesota WebCES templates Challenges of the Web WebCES Advantages
What is Parametric Estimation? Parametric Estimation is the technique of determining the approximate cost of a planned construction job using only the most general information currently known about the job. Trnsport currently provides functionality for parametric estimation via the CES module
What is WebCES? CES Web Interface for Parametric Estimation Built with the Microsoft.NET framework Uses Microsoft IIS 5.0 for Web Server Web-based - no client software required for end users Several sample jobs supplied as templates including resurfacing & new roadway construction Easy to modify and create additional templates Shared template area being developed for Cloverleaf Not necessary to use CES for item estimation to take advantage of the parametric capability
System Setup What does an agency need to implement WebCES? Install CES (DB, Application, and Web Server) Install a client (to maintain the templates) Load sample templates and customize to fit Optional: take advantage of CES features Validate/create new formulas Generate agency-specific bid histories Create new templates for your agency
WebCES for Minnesota First Step – Quick Start Consider Pavement Determination Second Step – Use as solution for Key Business Need Consider WebCES as candidate to replace MN/DOT LWD Third Step – Leverage throughout agency Start with pilot project in Districts
Pavement Determination at MN Pavement determinations are performed to decide which would be cheapest, concrete or bituminous. Pavement Determinations are done about 5-6 times a year within the central office. The districts also perform their own pavement determinations. CES is used now to compute the bituminous items and spreadsheets are used to compute the concrete items.
Pavement Determination at MN Candidate for the WebCES interface? Review of Asphalt pricing Utilize detailed cost sheets with labor, equipment, and material Would not fit well as a CES parametric job Review of Concrete pricing Based on spreadsheets with basic formulas and table lookups Possible candidate for WebCES interface
Steps to create a template Determine what is used currently with respect to inputs (parameters), look-ups, calculations (formulas), constants, and etc. Also consider what is not really needed or used Transpose the spreadsheet to a single list Create a sample job in CES for review Validate layout, groupings, parameters, etc. Add help and determine what different versions of templates may be needed
Review Spreadsheet
Breakdown into Elements
Transpose into vertical list
Enter into CES using Client
Review from Web Interface
Result of evaluation Were excited about sample job because Decided to proceed and create a set of templates Enthusiasm about new feature Candidate for the WebCES interface YES!
Notes on functionality Worked around some limitations Formulas restricted to 254 characters Consider enhancement to widen columns “IF” is statement functional but wordy for lookups Consider adding specific function for Case and/or LookUp functionality.
Replacement for MN/DOT LWD ?
Current LWD Screen
Pilot project in Districts Selected two districts to pilot Web CES for replacement of LWD Fully implement Web CES statewide
Challenges for Trnsport with the Web Inconsistencies between browsers Support of the Browser’s Back button Trade-offs for browser vs. dedicated interfaces Lose the complete control of the interface’s display and functionality for each action Compare the capability for a near- instantaneous responsiveness of a local C/S client vs the ease of deployment, increased accessibility, and lower costs of the web.
Take advantage of the Web Provide an easy-to-use interface for CES Produce reliable and consistent conceptual estimates Support multiple levels of security Provide several types of calculations Simple look up, formulas, and historical bid pricing Support creation of a permanent record of the project’s progress for Upper Management Snapshots can be taken at any time during the life of the project What will WebCES do for you?