analytical | consultative | constant [pros-pekt]] Market Research & Consulting, LLC | Confidential | Proprietary Pre-gauge Support Model
[pros-pekt]] Market Research & Consulting, LLC | Confidential | Proprietary Pre-gauge talent void of full commitment….
Client perception of the talent market does not usually match reality. We believe a unique and scalable approach to executive search is the solution? [pros-pekt]] Market Research & Consulting, LLC | Confidential | Proprietary
Reduced costs in technology and access to various candidate resources has closed the gap; most firms ignore this reality and continue to operate in an outdated model/approach. The reality… [pros-pekt]] Market Research & Consulting, LLC | Confidential | Proprietary The market continues to demand fees upwards of 30-35% as industry results across the board have remained stagnant. Disconnect between client and firm continues to widen… …“I see smoke but I’ll call you when the house is fully engulfed in flames, in the meantime, go away.”
Embrace the shift… [pros-pekt]] Market Research & Consulting, LLC | Confidential | Proprietary At times, the purpose of the engagement must to shift away from high- priced transactions to long-term stability. This approach enables us to become an integrated extension of the client company subsequently building a long term partnership. Executive search firms must accept long-term security in exchange for a fee not solely based on candidate compensation. We must be flexible depending on the resources needed.
Pre-gauge Initiative Process (PIP) [pros-pekt]] Market Research & Consulting, LLC | Confidential | Proprietary Enables the client to confirm whether pre-conceived perceptions of external talent are reality or fiction. More importantly, it provides the ability to assess the market void of a full commitment. Client can direct PMRC team to gather compensation information, compare talent among competitors, identify new opportunities and even build partnerships. Often, executive introductions lead to results no one expected at the onset, such as M&A, best-practice sharing and more. Advantages Result Clients = Low Risk, Low Price Firm = Evolve into an advisory role while providing security
Win-Win Situation Yes!! !
[pros-pekt]] Market Research & Consulting, LLC | Confidential | Proprietary [pros-pekt] Market Research & Consulting, LLC Analytical. Consultative. Constant |