Naturopathy Matthew Leach
Outline Definition Definition History History Philosophy Philosophy Comparison to orthodox medicine Comparison to orthodox medicine The Naturopath The Naturopath Conditions Conditions Expectations Expectations Locating a naturopath Locating a naturopath
What is Naturopathy? “naturopathy is an eclectic field of medicine that promotes physical, psychological and social health and wellbeing through a myriad of natural treatment approaches” “naturopathy is an eclectic field of medicine that promotes physical, psychological and social health and wellbeing through a myriad of natural treatment approaches”
Principles of Naturopathy Facilitate the healing power of nature Facilitate the healing power of nature Do no harm Do no harm Identify and treat the cause Identify and treat the cause Treat the whole person Treat the whole person Prevent disease and ill health Prevent disease and ill health Establish health and wellness Establish health and wellness The practitioner is a teacher The practitioner is a teacher
History of Naturopathy Hippocrates Hippocrates Kneipp Kneipp Rickli Rickli Thomson Thomson Hahnemann Hahnemann McFadden McFadden Graham Graham Lust Lust Medical dominance Medical dominance
Comparing naturopathic & orthodox medicine Treatment approach Treatment approach Disease philosophy Disease philosophy Treatment action Treatment action Practitioner relationship Practitioner relationship Assessment Assessment Consultation Consultation Safety Safety
What is a Naturopath? “A Naturopath is a health care professional who treats a wide range of individuals with acute and chronic health conditions, by applying an array of treatment approaches based on the principles of naturopathic medicine.” “A Naturopath is a health care professional who treats a wide range of individuals with acute and chronic health conditions, by applying an array of treatment approaches based on the principles of naturopathic medicine.”
Who might benefit from a naturopathic consultation? Chronic conditions: arthritis; Irritable bowel syndrome; osteoporosis; eczema; psoriasis; period pain; hypertension; oesophageal reflux; asthma Chronic conditions: arthritis; Irritable bowel syndrome; osteoporosis; eczema; psoriasis; period pain; hypertension; oesophageal reflux; asthma Acute conditions: colds; influenza; sinusitis; ear infections; urinary tract infections Acute conditions: colds; influenza; sinusitis; ear infections; urinary tract infections Prevention: preconception care; stress/lifestyle/diet management Prevention: preconception care; stress/lifestyle/diet management General wellbeing General wellbeing When orthodox medicine fails When orthodox medicine fails When alternatives to orthodox treatments are sought When alternatives to orthodox treatments are sought
What can I expect from a Naturopathic consultation? Assessment Assessment Diet and nutrition management Diet and nutrition management Lifestyle management Lifestyle management Herbal medicine Herbal medicine Homeopathy Homeopathy Tactile therapies Tactile therapies
Where can I find a Naturopath? Professional associations: ATMS, ANTA, ANPA, CMA Professional associations: ATMS, ANTA, ANPA, CMA –Australian Traditional Medicine Society –Australian Natural Therapists Association Yellow pages Yellow pages
Where can I find more information about Naturopathy? MIMS consumer health group MIMS consumer health group le= le=2464 Australian Naturopathic Network athy.htm Australian Naturopathic Network athy.htm athy.htm athy.htm
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