WEST EALING CENTRE W13 _____________________________________________________________ NEIGHBOURHOOD FORUM
Eric Leach Interim Chair, WECNF Resident in West Ealing for 34 years Vice-Chair of West Ealing Neighbours (WEN) since 2007 Ex-businessman from the computer business
WHY ARE WE HERE? Quality of Life Local Services It’s All About Land Use YOU Can make a difference
EALING IS A BIG PLACE 21 Square Miles 340,000 Residents 8,760 Businesses
WEST EALING CENTRE IS BIG TOO! 3,478 Homes 352 Businesses
PLANNING REALITIES With a continuously diminishing planning resource, it is not (and will not) be possible for the council to carry out detailed, fine-grained planning in Ealing There are Local, Regional and National Planning Guidelines
WHAT IS A NEIGHBOURHOOD FORUM? It is where people who live, work or have an interest in an area discuss, agree and create a plan for that area These forums operate under Government Guidelines (2011 Localism Act)
NEIGHBOURHOOD FORUMS Are new There are over 700 in England & Wales and more on the way - 2 in Ealing (and a third soon), 3 in Hounslow Become ‘legitimate’ when Government designates their chosen neighbourhood areas and the make-up of their organisation Create Neighbourhood Plans
NEIGHBOURHOOD FORUMS Some are business areas – 10 Many (in mostly rural areas) are Parish Councils Any final decision on the Neighbourhood Plan is by referendum If 50% or more agree, the plan becomes the legal Area Plan
WHAT DOES A NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN LOOK LIKE? Just three have already become legal – in Cumbria, Exeter and Thame in Oxfordshire It consists of positive spatial policies It can contain site allocations It can contain aspirations for the area
WEST EALING CENTRE NEIGHBOURHOOD FORUM Is a business area First meeting of the Interim WECNF was in May 2012 It has met monthly since then The Neighbourhood Area was specified and Government designated in 2012 WECNF became Government designated in March 2013
WECNF Has researched challenges and opportunities across a wide spectrum: Social Provision Movement Crossrail The High Street Business Improvement District (BID) feasibility Spatial Integration Planning system unhelpful Housing High targets & chronic shortage of social homes for rent
WECNF has A Bank Account A Constitution A small number of very hard-working, key members A growing number of registered members A new Web site – A Budget A Project Plan Delivered its first leaflet to all publicly accessible homes and businesses in the area
WECNF Support West Ealing Neighbours (WEN) West Ealing Traders Association (WETA) Central & Local Government Officers Elthorne & Walpole Ward Forums Ealing Centre Neighbourhood Forum Hanwell Community Forum
WECNF what next? Elect our first 12 person Management Committee – members from business (4), Community (4) and residents (4) This committee will then elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer & Secretary First meeting will be 7.00 p.m. Monday, 24 th June at the Silva Cafe
WECNF Committee Nominations: –B - Nigel Presky, Magdalena Silva Roldan, Arthur Breens, Peter Sweetman –C – Eric Leach, Suzanne Fernandez, Inonu Khyne-Sam, Imran Hamid –R – Richard Toull, Michelle Yan, Dave Randles –Co-opted – Cllrs Nigel Bakhai & John Cowing Key – B= Business representative, C= Community organisation, R = Neighbourhood Area Resident
WECNF What Next? Community Engagement Past, present & future West Ealing Centre Play – to be performed 5 times in the area in August & September 2013 Second leaflet which will ask: 1. What do you like about West Ealing Centre? 2. What don’t you like about it? 3. What does West Ealing Centre need? 4. Any other comments/suggestions? Attend Community Events Organise 4 workshops - analyse feedback and begin to shape an approach to a plan
WECNF Project Plan Community Engagement: June 2013 – September 2013 Drafting Neighbourhood Plan: November 2013 – February 2014 Statutory Public Consultation: April 2014 External Consultation: October 2014 Referendums: March 2015
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