EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairperson: Wade Stickland Vice chair: Joshua Jahans Secretary: Alishia Redhead Treasurer: Lottie Powell KS2 Class Representatives Mrs Comerford Alishia Redhead & Wade Stickland Mrs Johnson Lottie Powell & Dylan Cooper Mrs Ternan/Mrs Keech Maddison Lesigues & John Villamor Mrs Munns Rose Towler & Reuban Poole Mr Haskell Georgia Love & Jeremy Towler Mrs Biddlecombe Reese Lewis & Joshua Jahans Miss Eagleton Gabriel Villamor & Lia Lewis
KS1 Class Representatives Miss Loader Ethan Jennison Amelia Rejniak-Choudhury Miss Travers Jaydon Broomhead & Amelia Hornik Miss Sewell Christa Nibigira & Harry Jones Last year’s Y R Representatives Kit Mackenzie & Hollie Davis
This week we discussed…
SUMMER FAYRE 2014 We all agreed that we had so much fun last year that we would like to do again this year. So it will be on Saturday 12 th July. Like last time we want as many people to come along and as a class you will be having a stall. We will get back to you nearer the date but keep this day free !
PLAYGROUND PLANS Miss Leach showed us the plans for the development of the quiet playground and YR Courtyard. There will be a role play lodge, Astroturf Islands with maze seating, story telling chair, new ground markings and much more. It will look amazing and so much fun. (Money raised from the Summer Fayre is paying for part of it!)
SCHOOL DINNERS As you know we were getting a little fed up with not always getting our choices at lunchtime. Well we are now using the new coloured wrist bands, what do you think ? Are you happier ? Tell your Class Representative !
We discuss all matters brought to the meeting. Each class representative reads out the post- its you have written. We decide whether we should action it (do something about it or not) as a group.
CAN WE HAVE EXAMPLES ON TARGET CARDS? Miss Leach is going to talk to teachers about this. She has seen a new Vocabulary Book where you have a word and you have to add words on, might help you (hopefully before Grammar Week that’s coming up soon).
MORE LIBRARY BOOKS FOR OLDER CHILDREN ? Again Miss Leach will look in to this as she has some money from the sales of books at the Travelling Fair.
CAN WE HAVE A GIRLS FOOTBALL TEAM AND JUDO CLUB? Who’s the best person to ask but Mrs T ! She will start a girls football team in September and Taekwondo is to start next term.
COULD WE HAVE A SUMMER DISCO FOR ALL CHILDREN Year 5/6 always have an end of term disco Georgia spoke to Mrs O’Doherty, who will to talk to the PTA about maybe having a disco near the end of the summer term. WATCH THIS SPACE!
We hope you like the thank you card for the items you have asked us to buy from the donated money. Perhaps you can place on your class prayer table, this way it will remind you to say a little prayer for people who live in poverty.
THURSDAY 15 th MAY AT 1.30PM IN THE DRAMA ROOM Please do not be late!
We are one big happy family.