At The Helm Positive Leadership For Positive Education! Clive Leach MOrg Coaching
Flourishing Resilience Positive Emotions Engagement Meaning Relationships Optimism Self-esteem Vitality Autonomy Resilience Univ. Cambridge Well-being Institute & Cass Business School (2009)
Well-being & Engagement High Mental Health / Well-being PLODDING FLOURISHING FUNCTIONING Low Engagement / Goal Striving High Engagement / Goal Striving LANGUISHING DISTRESSED & DISENGAGED FUNCTIONAL & DISTRESSED Low Mental Health / Well-being Keyes (2007), Grant (2012)
Consider.. With regards to well-being and engagement Where are you on the matrix? Where might be your team? Where might be your faculty? Where might be your students? Where might be your family? Where might be your friends?
Positive Psychology “The purpose of positive psychology is to understand the human strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive” Prof. Martin Seligman PhD
PERMA Positive Emotions Engagement Relationships Meaning Accomplishment Measuring Well-being for Public Policy - Seligman et al (2011)
Positive Psychology in Practice .. Character Strengths & Virtues Meaning & Purpose - Visioning the Future Mental Toughness, Hardiness & Resilience Goal Setting Forgiveness Gratitude Kindness & altruism Mindfulness & Flow Hope & Optimism Evidence-based coaching
Evidence! Reduces stress, anxiety and mental illness Increases resilience & life satisfaction Increases hope, goal striving & self reg. Supports better learning and achievement Sin & Lyubomirsky, 2009; Waters, 2011; Boiler, 2013
Positive Education “The application of well-being science in educational settings with the aim of creating flourishing students, staff and whole school communities” Dr. Suzy Green Handbook of Positive Psychology in Schools (2014) 9
Positive Education Applies PERMA to enhance optimal functioning and well-being of the whole school community Prevents and reduces stress, burn out anxiety and mental illness in adults and young people Creates psychological literacy and supports better learning, creative thinking & academic/extra-curricular accomplishment, employability To create more virtuous citizens and a better society
Why Positive Education? Parents want their children to flourish! Key differentiator in the education market place – Peninsula, Knox, St. Peters.... Positive Education, Well-being, Flourishing are reflected in school branding, mission & values statements and narratives - Increased enrolments & competitive advantage
Positive Education Summit Oct 2013. UK - Hosted by 10 Downing St. & Wellington College 30 of the worlds leading Positive Psychology Academics & Practitioners PERMA as an academically rigorous approach to education impacting on well- being & achievement Called on all schools to embrace positive education
Positive Education Schools Assoc.
Positive Ed Themes Positive Self Positive Body Positive Emotions Positive Mindset Positive Relationships Positive Direction Classroom, Staff room, Playing Field (Bonniwell & Ryan, 2012)
School Leaders Workplace well-being Optimism Job satisfaction Hope Psychological Capital Optimism Hope Resilience Self-efficacy 456 School Leaders Workplace well-being Job satisfaction Org commitment Engagement Mental health Strauss et al (2013)
Teacher Engagement Recent pilot study 153 teachers When staff doing well across PERMA domains they report Higher life satisfaction Better physical health Increased professional thriving More Organisational Commitment Enhanced job satisfaction Kern et al (2014)
and Coaching.. Positive Education requires the strategic integration of Positive Psychology & Coaching Psychology to enhance optimal functioning of school community Positive Psych = scientific research Coaching Psych = proven framework for change to apply Positive Psych Complimentary partners in flourishing Green, Robinson & Oades, (2011) van Nieuwerburgh (2012;2013)
Coaching “Unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance... by helping them to learn rather than teaching them.”Sir John Whitmore Clive Leach Consultancy
Coaching Study Outcomes Well-being Workplace Well- being Positivity Resilience Hardiness Goal Striving Hope Attitude to learning Emotional Intelligence Self-efficacy Academic results Less Stress Less Anxiety Less Depression Green, Oades & Grant (2006); Grant, Curtyane & Burton (2009): Grant, Green & Rynsdaart, (2007;2010) ; Grant (2012); Van Nieuwerburgh (2013)
Are You Seaworthy? Physical Health Diet & nutrition Exercise & fitness Relaxation & recovery Sleep Clive Leach Consultancy
Mindfulness Savouring ‘Drops of Quiet’ In the moment Increases well-being Decreases Stress Adults & Young People Kuyken et al (2012), Flood et al (2012)
Clive Leach Consultancy 14 April 2017 3 Great Resources! .bThe Mindfulness in Schools Project Copyright Clive Leach, September 2011 Tel: 0401513627 Email: Web:
Clive Leach Consultancy 14 April 2017 Positive Emotions Broaden & Build Fredrickson (2009) Copyright Clive Leach, March 2011 Tel: 0401513627 Email: Web:
Positive Emotions Broaden our capacity to think, innovate, be creative, learn & see the bigger picture Build our psychological, emotional, physical, intellectual and social resources – making us stronger and more resilient Negative emotions have a place but we have to be aware of the negativity bias that can lead to people being habitually defined by negativity with damaging consequences for their mental and physical health Fredrickson (2011)
Positivity=Investment Gratitude Interest Joy Awe Pride Amusement Inspiration Love Serenity Hope Fredrickson (2011)
WWW. What works Well ? Learned Optimism - PRESENT Notice negative thinking & consequences Challenge, get perspective & take action Best Self Exercise - PAST Consider achievements to date Create affirmations and reminders Best Possible Self Exercise - FUTURE Letter from the future – mental imagery /vision Lived a ‘good life’ Gratitude Exercises – PRESENT / PAST 3 good things – What’s working well & why? Gratitude visit - someone in your life Seligman (2009) Lyubomirsky, (2010); Fredrickson, (2012)
VIA Character Strengths Clive Leach Consultancy
Patana Y9 Junior Delegates Teamwork Kindness Social Intelligence Leadership Fairness Courage
VIA Strengths Studies Young people using signature strengths in new ways increases engagement & hope Focus on character strengths improves school skills, engagement & enjoyment Self regulation, Perseverance, Curiosity & Love of Learning predict school success Teacher’s most common strengths Zest, Social Intelligence & Humour Greater life satisfaction predicted by Hope, Zest, Love, Curiosity & Gratitude
Relationships The Butterfly Effect The 3:1 ratio positive – negative emotions Self-focused / Other-focused balance Advocacy / Inquiry balance Kindness & altruism Strengths Partnering Forgiveness, gratitude, compassion Increased flourishing, connectivity, resilience, client satisfaction Losada & Heaphy (2004) Fredrickson (2009)
Coaching Conversations Intention to give attention Primarily use questions Have a goal/solution focus Help gain/change perspective Focus on strengths/exceptions Generate actions, next steps Encourage, affirm, accountable
Pos Ed Lessons Learned Don’t sail too close to the wind – look after your well-being and those around you Let your strengths fill your sails – the energy they give you is what drives you forward and helps you reach your goals Investing in well-being is like a life-jacket – it will keep you afloat in stormy seas It provides a life boat for others too as it is also good for those around you when they sink Even the smallest changes today can make a big difference down the line!
Go West! New Horizons? As a Leader, Team & School What are you most proud of? What are your values & strengths? What will be your contribution & legacy? What would success look & feel like? How are you going to get there? What help do you need? What are the first steps you can take?
Take the Helm & Lead the Way! “I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.” Louisa May Alcott
Safe Onward Voyage… Email: