THE MOSCOW ART THEATRE By Krystle Mathis and Aaliyah Scoll-Bennett
WHO? Constaintine Sergeyevich Alkseyev and Vladimir Nemirovick- Danchenko were the founders of the Moscow Art Theatre.
WHAT? The Moscow Art Theatre was 20 th century supporter on theatrical art. It introduced stage realism to Russia. It reformed rehearsal procedures
WHEN? The Moscow Art Theatre was opened was opened in 1898 In the late 1800’s was the height of Moscow Art Theatre
WHERE? This all took place in Moscow Russia. (hence the name Moscow Art Theatre)
HOW? The theatre all started by two wealthy dramatic art teachers. Its main purpose was to establish a new art form with a different approach.
STANISLAVSKI METHOD OF ACTING Its goal was to have a perfect understanding of the motivations, obstacles, of a character in each moment Most often used for realistic plays Starts by having an actress or an actor break down the scenes of the play in beats or bites( short sections that end with each change of objective)
QUIZ How many founders of the Moscow Art theatre were there? A. 4 B. 2 C.3 D.1 When was the Moscow theatre opened? A B.1898 C.1900 It introduced the stage to ______ A.realism B. meakeup
QUIZ CONTINUED! What place did the theatre get its name from? What profession were the two teachers certified in? what type of plays were the Stanislavsky method often used for? What is the term for short sections that end with each change of objective? Actors break down the scenes in __________? A. bits or beats B. dialogue What was its main purpose? The methods’ goal is to have perfect understanding of what?
WORKS CITED Benedetti, Jean. (1988). Stanislavsky [sic]: A Biography. New York: Routledge. Carnicke, Sharon Marie. (1998). Stanislavsky in Focus. London: Harwood/Routledge. Leach, Robert and Borovsky, Victor. (1999). A History of Russian Theatre. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Rich, Elizabeth. (2000). "Oleg Yefremov, 1927–2000: A Final Tribute." Slavic and East European Performance 20 (3):17–23. Worrall, Nick. (1996). The Moscow Art Theatre. New York: Routledge.