Ted Bundy (Lady Killer, The Campus Killer) By: Shae Sparks
Early life Born on November 24th, 1946 Son of Eleanor Louise Cowell Lived with his unwed mother and then with the family (grandparents, aunt, uncle) Family acted as if ted’s grandparents was his real parents and is mother was his sister.
Continued Ted never really finds out who his real father is. Ted would carefully place knives around his aunt while she slept and would watch while she fears in terror. After the family then persuades his mother (sister) to move to Washington near some other family members.
Continued His mother then marries Johnny Bundy (hospital cook) and changes both their last names to Bundy. His mother and Johnny have 4 more kids together. Johnny tries to include Ted in activities but Ted stayed emotionally detached from his stepfather.
High School Ted went to high school at Woodrow Wilson High Ted was small, shy, and has few friends in school. He did do very well in school. As his natural good looks increased so did his popularity and self-esteem. He started shoplifting
Perfect Ted had a certain charm to him and learns to use his charm to “snow” people. He runs down a purse snatcher, saves a drowning child and volunteers at a rape crisis center. He is considered a model citizen. He thought if he wore a suit and combed his hair he would never be suspected
College Ted attended college at the University of Puget Sound. Then soon transferred to Washington. His area of study was psychology and an interest in politics.
The girl who started it all While attending university of Washington he meets Stephanie Brooks the love of his life. She came from a wealthy family and was highly sophisticated. But she thought of him as immature so, as soon as she graduated she broke up with him abruptly. He quits college for awhile.
Revenge He returns back to college and dedicates himself to his studies to prove his ex-girlfriend wrong. Many years later he meets up with Brooks and she is over whelmed with Ted’s transformation. When Brooks believed their relationship is leading to marriage ted broke up with her abruptly just as she did.
Continued His revenge did not comfort and then his rage was sublimated into a series of brutal attacks on women, who all shared Brooks’ physical characteristics.
Joni Lenz (1974) Ted broke into her basement bedroom beaten on the head and face with her bed frame rod a speculum jammed viciously inside her She was in a coma for 10 days but survived and suffered brain damage and internal organ injuries
Lynda Ann Healy (1974) 21 years-old found in bed in heavily blood stained pillowcase and blood-soaked sheets Her skull was found in ted’s graveyard He admits to her murder
Caryn Campbell (Colorado) (1974) 23 years old She was at a ski resort with the family for vacation Fiancé couldn't find her she was found in a snow bank, bloodstained and nude Likely she was raped She was battered and cut
First trial Police spotted his VW beetle Found handcuffs, a ski mask and a crowbar. He was arrested for the murder of Caryn He was is own lawyer Before the trial he escaped by jumping out of a window He was free once again
Struck again At a Florida State University sorority house Four students suffered severe sexual abuse Two died as a result of the assaults One of the women had been violated with a metal hairspray canister, another had her nipple almost severed
Second trial (Florida) The charges related to the attacks and murders of the Florida University Sorority students. He represented his self The dental work done on Bundy matches with the teeth makes on the dead woman. He was found guilty
Trial three (Florida) The murder of Kimberly Leach Bundy decided against self-representation, and his defense counsel pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. Forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony linked him to the crime Found guilty again
The end The death row was handed down to the Bundy case He confessed to an investigator that he had committed various acts of butchery and necrophilia in order to try and later his death. Also made many appeals to make his death penalty even longer. On 24 January 1989, and he was executed by electric chair (old sparky) at 7 am in Florida.
Pattern Fake a broken arm or leg Lure unsuspecting woman to car to help load books Knock her out with a crowbar Drag her into the car, unconscious Handcuff her Take her to “location” Rape/sexual assault Strangle her to death Necrophilia Mutilation Burial
Number of victims Eleven in Washington (including Parks, abducted in Oregon but killed in Washington), three of them unidentified Eight in Utah (three unidentified) Four in Colorado Three in Florida Two in Oregon (both unidentified) Two in Idaho (one unidentified) One in California (unidentified) 20 unidentified and 5 identified survivors
Judge Edward Cowart "It is ordered that you be put to death by a current of electricity, that current be passed through your body until you are dead. Take care of yourself, young man. I say that to you sincerely; take care of yourself. It's a tragedy for this court to see such a total waste of humanity as I've experienced in this courtroom. You're a bright young man. You'd have made a good lawyer, and I'd have loved to have you practice in front of me, but you went the wrong way, partner. Take care of yourself. I don't have any animosity to you. I want you to know that. Take care of yourself."
Contradicting sources Disappearing date on Caryn Campbell was 1974-1975. Two other websites said he had escaped twice in Colorado. (one Colorado one Utah) It was said that he would hang heads of the women that he killed in his home. It was also said that Bundy has two of the same kind of car. One he used for his crimes and the other for everyday things.) Two sources contradicted each other by saying he had a girlfriend during the first killings
Sources http://tedbundy.150m.com/part1.html http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/notorious/bundy/4.html Ted Bundy | Victims | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers Ted Bundy - Biography on Bio. http://criminalminds.wikia.com/wiki/Ted_Bundy http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/notorious/bundy/10.html Most evil (movie) Killers among us (movie) http://crime.about.com/od/serial/p/tedbundy.htm