Dr Abdulrazak Mohamad Senior Consultant Physician Advisor to the Grand Mufti of Australia
Convey his greetings His full support to this initiative And for any effort which expected to do good to Australian community at large Support to any effort in favour of moral aspect, human rights and just Ready to assist in anything in his capacity to support our Solidarity group
Only Allah (God) Naturally through death Per legislations e.g. life for life Person doesn’t have the right to take his own life No one has the right to take other people’s life through family, blood or marriage relationship
Is sacred Human security and well being is preserved Duty of the government to preserve people’s life, security, belongings, dignity …etc Under Islamic rules the state is obliged to secure basic cares including health service. Under Islamic states hospital, medicine and other health services flourished e.g. in Baghdad, Andalucia and other places
Irreversible cessation of all signs of life Debate on brain death…. We believe it is not death, rather pre-runner of death The stand of Grand Mufti on the brain death is negative so far Why not?
1. It depends on the expertise and facilities 2. The expertise and facilities in Australia are excellent but may not be readily available in other places 3. Giving verdict (Fatwa) will not be restricted to Australia in contrary to rules and legislations. Legislations are state relevant though law makers may take it as example but not fore-granted
At any fetal age should be justified In the first 120 days requirements may be less astringent After 120 days of fetal life, requirements are very tough Fetal life is fully recognised life When it comes to preserving either mother’s or fetal life Islam gives priority to mother’s life
The chance of mother’s survival is more following termination of pregnancy Mother is fully grown, fetus may still die following termination of pregnancy Mother is a corner stone of the family, her death will be more disastrous However life is life and this is based (just to avoid the worse, not getting the best).
Permanent contraception is not legal in Islam Temporary contraception is allowed It should not harm the spouse It should be mutually accepted Sterilisation is considered permanent contraception Medical causes may override
Tip of the iceberg of big life style matter To treat these matters we need to have big education and life style change These are not our objectives We are not here to dictate to people how they live and how they build their relationship Although Islam has a complete family plan and construction system which has stood the test of time
Not allowed Principle of ( Life is offered by Allah and only can take it) Muslems are encouraged to seek treatment This is on preferred rather than obligation basis The very sick can refuse treatment
If the community and people have been given the freedom to choose their life style The health workers should have the right to decline doing things not (norm) to the health services Health professionals have been trained to prevent death when they can Not to terminate life “killing”
Be obliged to assist Be obliged to refer Be obliged to prescribe medications Remove life support prematurely Practice un-necessary/ permanent contraception Among others……